Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Wal-Mart Enters into Heroin Retail Market

Wal-Mart today announced its plans to begin selling heroin in its 1,146 Wal-Mart stores, 2,098 Supercenters, 567 SAM’S CLUBS and 107 Neighborhood Markets in the United States.

“Wal-Mart sells a lot of shit, you know? Well, why not heroin? That shit is fuckin’ expensive too, we’re going to make a killing. What’s the problem?” asked Stephen Quinn, Wal-Mart’s Senior Vice President of Marketing, while maniacally laughing and viciously throttling an old man that formerly ran a hardware store before Wal-Mart forced him out of business.

“The problem is that selling heroin is illegal,” said Michael Braun, the DEA’s Chief of Operations. “Wal-Mart is delusional if it thinks it can get away with this,” Braun said.

Stephen Quinn flung his head back from a pile of cocaine long enough to ask, “Are those DEA bitches getting mouthy again? We’ve got 1.4 million employees worldwide and we sell 16,000 guns a month. The DEA has 400 agents and a yearly budget that’s less than our daily sales of Kim Possible lunch boxes. If we wanted to, we could buy and sell Michael Braun’s mother and no one could stop us.” Quinn then instructed his secretary to buy and then sell Michael Braun’s mother.

Wal-Mart’s sales of Velvet Underground albums have risen 200% since the announcement.

Words From The Top

47 Things Every Freshman Should Know

  1. Being ten minutes late for class is no problem; we call it “Berkeley time.”
  2. Your Cal ID card can be used for one free rental at Blockbuster.
  3. You can always ask for a take-home final exam instead of an in-class final.
  4. Professors must allow students ten minutes of “facebook time” per hour.
  5. Bums on Telegraph want hugs more than they want money.
  6. The answer pattern for all multiple choice exams in the Biology department is CACA.
  7. UCPD officers are legally required to give you a ride if you ask.
  8. In a pinch, bus pass stickers can be used as birth control.
  9. Fire drills always end in orgies.
  10. As of this year, every restaurant in the Asian Ghetto accepts Dining Plan points.
  11. Smoking marijuana is legal within city limits.
  12. The Tang Center doctors will always give you a free sample box of Adderall, just say you forgot the coupon.
  13. Once a month a loud alert horn will sound, letting you know you can go home early.
  14. Cocoa Crispies and Cocoa Puffs are actually the same cereal.
  15. Oski is played by a woman.
  16. If you steal the RA’s pants you become the RA.
  17. The instrument at the top of the Campanile is called a carillon.
  18. The co-ops are a good cheap alternative to smelling good.
  19. You can’t be arrested for a DUI if you’re asleep when the cop finds you.
  20. Everyone on your floor can hear you singing along to Deathcab.
  21. Your boyfriend didn’t dump you because of the freshmen fifteen, he dumped you because you’re annoying.
  22. If you can trick the Chancellor into saying his own name backwards you automatically get into Haas School of Business.
  23. In an emergency, Rally Comm is fully trained to climb to the top of Barrows and fly the building away to safety.
  24. All 8AM classes actually begin at 11.
  25. Three Fs make a B.
  26. Scantrons can only be filled in with number two pencils or Sherwin- Williams house paint.
  27. Campus vending machines are free on the solstice.
  28. Otter Pops do not contain otters.
  29. CAL DINING is an acronym.
  30. Dr. Jokèmon cannot be captured in a Jokèball.
  31. The Tang Center is named for its distinctive odor.
  32. Due to a software bug, the millionth student to log into Telebears will be instantly transferred to Davis.
  33. The Daily Californian was originally called the Yearly Arizonian, but the name was changed after their annual output was three-hundred-sixty-fippled and the offices were moved from Pennsylvania.
  34. Mario Savio was bi.
  35. The moon is a harsh mistress.
  36. Asian girls have straight pubes.
  37. It doesn’t matter where you’re going: take the 51.
  38. Anthropology majors give the best head.
  39. Engineering majors build the best bridges.
  40. The city of Berkeley has only one fire truck, but it is two hundred feet long.
  41. Mary Poppins died in Wheeler.
  42. History 7A and History 7B are actually the same class.
  43. 10% of you will be mugged this year.
  44. 5% of you will be sexually assaulted before graduation.
  45. Cal Grants and Student Aid are at the lowest level they’ve ever been and tuition and fees are the highest.
  46. If you finished this list in under thirty seconds you have fulfilled your R1A requirement.
  47. Welcome to college, and yes, this will be on the test.

In Other News

Iran Agrees to Nuclear Talks, Bombings

Lieberman Won’t Let Defeat Stop His Mission of Groveling Before Republicans

Supreme Court Okays Gay Marriage, Eating Babies

Oil Prices Drop, Cost of Barrels Skyrockets

Area Woman Clearly Wanted to be Raped, Murdered

Alameda Police have recently taken into custody a Mr. Les Warner, confessed nymphokilliac and cannibal. Though charged with over 50 different capital offenses, Warner was quick to release a public statement claiming all of his actions stem from simple misunderstandings.

“Well, wearing a dress like that—especially in her own apartment—you could totally tell she wanted to get murdered and have her bones turned into chairs. I mean c’mon people, it was as plain as the look of fear on her face.” Elaborating further on the event, Mr. Warner continued, “Her voice, teeth, nails, and kicks may have said no, but her strappy sandals told an entirely different story. Frankly, I don’t see why I’m the one on trial… I mean, what? She woke up in the morning and put on that halter-top because she DIDN’T want me to drown her in my fish tank?”

As of this time it is unclear whether Warner himself is looking forward to being raped and murdered at Chino State Penitentiary.


Sports Quickies

Isiah Thomas Appoints His Horse President of Basketball Operations Local media was quick to question the surprise move, suggesting the horse lacks both the experience and bathroom training necessary to manage a major NBA franchise, but Thomas and the horse refuted such concerns. When asked how the new deal would impact the team’s salary cap woes, he struck his foot on the ground twice then neighed. Thomas was then asked to sit down so the horse could answer the question.


Tom Brady Once Again Appears in Area Man’s Sex Dream

“So I like watching football in bed, I don’t see what the big deal is,” he said. He then kissed his wife dispassionately and with little enthusiasm.


**Mighty Ducks “Mighty Gay” Says Guy on Internet **

Online Blackjack Player Leaves Window Open Overnight, Resulting In 2 Million Dollar Loss

“Fuck,” he was quoted as saying.

ESPN2 Merges All Programming

In an effort to fit in seven more early morning broadcasts of Sportscenter, ESPN2 has announced the merger of its Darts, Curling, Bowling, Dominos, Poker, Trick Pool Shots, and Regular Pool Shots programs. The new show, entitled “Who cares, it’s 2 AM and you’re drunk anyway,” has already resulted in the deaths of three players due to dart-related injuries. Meanwhile, a fourth clings to life with a mouth full of dominos and an ass full of playing cards. When asked for comment, ESPN2 rebroadcast that show where camels fight each other.

Volume 15, Issue 6: The Tiger Did It

Volume 15, Issue 5: Batman Likes to Watch

Words From the Top

The Greatest Inventor

Get your cocks out now boys, because otherwise you’re going to need to change your underwear upon hearing my amazing, mindblowingly incredible idea.

Alright, you ready? Sex…with the mouth!

Okay, okay, everybody settle down. I mean it, shut up. Take your nuts out of your mouth and listen. I came up with this idea when I was at Starbucks and I saw a woman blowing on her latte. I said to myself, hey, “You could put your dick in that!”

Two hours later my dick was covered in coffee burns and I knew I had to go back to the drawing board.

That’s when I saw a porcupine eating shards of glass.

Okay, fast-forward another two hours and a quick trip to the hospital.

Needless to say I learned my lesson and began work constructing a scale model of the penis for use in later tests. Then I saw my dog licking himself.

I began experimenting. A few of the legos fell off, but the penis seemed to be okay.

I ran as fast as I could to my girlfriend’s place and explained my theory to her. She flat out told me it would never work, and even if it did, she’d probably get pregnant instantly. So I ate her out, then went home.

I figured I’d go talk it over with some of my friends, but they were all at Starbucks and for some reason I’m not allowed in there anymore. With few options left, I decided a field test was in order.

Let me just say, it worked, and it was incredible. It was totally worth it.

Simon Ganz
San Quentin Prison

Woman Experiences Miracle of Death During Childbirth

Josie Marie Keller, on March 1st, gave birth to a healthy baby girl, Ann Marie Keller. Josie suffered an internal hemorrhage during labor and consequently bled to death. Obstetrician Alyssa Parker said, “It makes this job worthwhile when I can help bring one life into existence as another is senselessly extinguished.” Parker added, “Plus, it’s like half the paperwork. I just write in the baby’s name, flip the form over and write in the stiff ‘s name. Badabing, bada-boom.”

“I can’t wait to show little Annie the video someday,” said recent father and widower Mark Keller.

God Blamed For Global Disasters

In a press conference held at the White House on Wednesday, a spokesman representing FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security stated that from now on, all misdeeds, misdemeanors, natural disasters, hunting accidents, and war crimes would be recognized as the fault of God. “How can individuals be held accountable for their actions when everything is ultimately controlled by the omnipotent Creator?” explained spokesman Stuart Driebble as he made his daily sacrifice of fifteen well-nourished steers upon a flaming altar just outside of the White House pressroom.

This new policy is expected to lead to the release of innumerable murderers, rapists, war criminals, and psychopaths into the general populace. However, Driebble insisted that “people will no longer be punished for their actions or for shooting a 78-year-old lobbyist in the face with a shotgun just because God made them do it.” Meanwhile, charges, including those of genocide in the Sudan and causing Hurricane Katrina, are being raised against the Almighty. Law officials are now preparing for the second coming of Christ so they may efficiently apprehend and interrogate the Messiah as soon as He decides to show up again and stops hiding in heaven like a wuss.