Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Supreme Court Justice League

Most people think that the Supreme Court is just a bunch of old white dudes who sit around reading all day and occasionally get up to have an opinion or aneurysm. This is pretty much true. However, what most people don’t know is that the Supreme Court doles out justice not only in the courtroom, but also in the streets. Behold The Supreme Court Justice League!

_ Justice Sutherland has a deadly brush with danger when his secret identity is nearly discovered! _

Teenager 1: Hey, who’s that naked old dude in the phone booth?
Teenager 2: I think that’s Supreme Court Justice Sutherland, famous for his defense of the right to an attorney in the Powell v. Alabama case.
Teenager 1: What, is he like, putting on a cape?
Justice Sutherland: Zounds! Teenagers are not as stupid and uninformed as I have heard! There’s only one way to handle this. I must use my rhetorical powers to drive them off, thus preserving my secret identity!
Teenager 1: What the hell? Now he’s yelling at us.
Justice Sutherland: Dammit. Well, there’s always the Gavel of Justice. [kills teenagers with a hammer]

_ Things get sticky when our heroes encounter an old nemesis who has given up humanity for cybernetic implants: Alexander Hamilton! _

Alexander Hamilton: So! It’s the weakest branch, here to stop my nefarious plan for world domination!
Justice Ginsburg: That’s right, Alexander Hamilton. We’ve defeated all of your poorly-trained henchmen and now nothing stands between us and you. So what are you going to do now?
Hamilton: [transforms into Alexander Hamil-Tron] BECOME A GIANT ROBOT.
Justice Ginsburg: Well, shit. What do we do now?
Justice Thomas: Let’s argue that it was never his original intent to turn into a robot and limit his authority to ports and harbors

_ The Supreme Court Justice League finds that one of their number has betrayed them, and is trying to steal that most vital of treasures: the constitutional rights of the American citizen! _

Evil Justice Roberts: Mwahaha! With my constitutionally mandated powers, I shall strip all Americans of the right to an attorney, thus redefining American federalism…FOREVER!
Justice Thomas: Not so fast, Roberts! You didn’t count on the Supreme Court Justice League’s secret weapon!
Justice Roberts: Fool! You’re too late! The court decision is already being implemented at the state and county level! Mwahaha!
Justice Thomas: Oh, I beg to respectfully dissent. You see, I know your one weakness.
Justice Roberts: And what is that?
Justice Thomas: Like most Supreme Court Justices, you’re older than dirt’s much older cousin!
Justice Roberts: Curse you, Supreme Court Justice League! [dies of heart failure]

_ The League encounters villains with a score to settle: Christian Fundamentalists! _

Fundamentalists: The jig is up, Injustice League! You’ll never succeed with your evil plan to kill babies using the Roe v. Wade decision!
Justice Thomas: That’s where you’re wrong! As Supreme Court Justices, we have the Constitutional duty to kill babies!
Fundamentalist: Oh, I didn’t want it to have to come to this…but I’m afraid you leave me no choice.
Justice Thomas: What are you guys going to do? Throw Bibles at me?
Fundamentalist: [chants ancient language while drawing runes in the sand]
Jesus: [appears in burst of golden light, rolls up sleeves, tilts hat at jaunty angle] Fear my Jesuswrath! [throws Bibles at Justice Thomas]
Justice Thomas: Stop that! Those are going to leave welts!
Jesus: So do coat hangers, Mr. Thomas. So do coat hangers.


Firemen Are Pussies

I’ve recently come to terms with the fact that no job I will ever have will provide me with the opportunity to be a hero. It seems a little unfair, then, that just by virtue of being employed in certain occupations as a fireman, for instance you’re suddenly considered one. You wouldn’t call me a doctor if you saw me in a hospital, or Chancellor of the Universe if I put my pants on before my shoes. Being a fireman is similar to doing one of these things. And everyone calling them heroes is like lying to retarded children.

If I walked down the street wearing a bright yellow coat and goggles, you wouldn’t call me a hero, you’d direct me to the nearest tickle fight, which you’d rightly assume I had not only organized, but had been eagerly anticipating participation in. After thanking you, I’d then go into the Glittery Pink Feather shop to buy things made out of lace.

And don’t even get me started on members of the armed services. That’s like a giant coward bomb full of failures. Here are the reasons for joining the military with their corresponding anti-heroic origins in parentheses:

  1. Having something to prove (insecure)
  2. Having nowhere else to go (human wasteland)
    My point is this: I’ll bet if I tried real hard, I could drop out of school and lose my job at the steel mill too. But I choose not to. Instead, I choose to read books rather than EATING THEM. I call it learning.

Some say it’s the unrelenting stalwartness in the face of danger that makes them heroes. Bullshit. There are three things a fireman thinks when he walks into a burning building:

  1. run away
  2. afraid
  3. they’re going to call me a hero for this
    Pussy, pussy, different kind of pussy.

So to the firemen and members of the armed services: we’re lying to you. Everyone at home is glad they don’t have to do what you do. Do you know how much fun watching a parade is? No. No you don’t because you’re always in them. Watching a parade is like having sex on a mountain of happiness. You may get to be on display, but you’re also walking seventeen miles down a road on a sunny day.

U.S. Reveals New Plans for Iraqi Unification

Bombs, grenades, elections, and more bombs have proven unsuccessful means for Iraqi unification, so the U.S. will now require all Iraqi citizens to arm themselves with hot pink wrist bracelets. The bracelets, similar to the “Livestrong” wristbands popularized by Lance Armstrong, will read “Fahhrrk, djiina blg, sckkahug vblar nkk,” which means “acceptance” in Farsi.

“We are confident that these colorful bracelets will unify each and every Iraqi, ending their current resistance,” said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice. “If this doesn’t work, then I’ll threaten to attempt to smile.”

The bracelets are getting mixed reviews among Iraqis. According to Nike, co-sponsor of the efforts, some find the bands extremely cool, whereas others find them extremely, awesomely cool.

It remains unclear whether the mandatory bracelet enforcement policy will indeed end the resistance and spread democracy throughout Iraq, but several Iraqis have been seen wearing Lebron James jerseys and drinking McDonald’s milkshakes while simultaneously giving U.S. troops back massages and blowjobs. A car bombing followed shortly thereafter, killing forty-seven.

Everything in Berkeley Is Uphill

A recent study commissioned by the Office of Student Life has concluded that everything on the Berkeley campus is uphill. “No matter where a student begins, his journey to any campus building will inevitably lead him up a steep incline,” said the study’s director, Dr. Eric Vinson. A typical humanities student’s path will take him from the BART station to Valley Life Sciences Building, to Wheeler Hall, and then to Le Conte. Vinson warns that such constant, grueling hikes have a profound and daunting effect on morale. “Over four years, a Berkeley student may indeed develop the calves of a matador, but the negative reinforcement caused by always walking up a grade leads inevitably to depression and truancy.”

Professor Falcone of the Physics Department denounced the study. “This is ridiculous pseudo-science. Unless UC Berkeley were built on a Mobius strip, there is simply no way that every campus building could be uphill from every other.” He then left to deliver a lecture at the top of a rope suspended from the sky above Hearst Mining Circle.

Babies Most at Risk for Depression, Study Says

A recent study on depression demographics by UC Berkeley professor C. H. Diggs has shown conclusively that those aged 0 to 18 months make up the largest segment of America’s depressed.

“It’s rather surprising,” said Diggs, “but it looks like we basically start out at rock bottom.” The lack of long-term relationships and the feeling of powerlessness that accompany being a baby are thought to contribute to the elevated levels of depression among infants. “These results were hidden in the past thanks to the liberal misdiagnoses of ‘SIDS’ and ‘stillborn,'” Dr. Diggs elaborated.

When asked for comment, a baby sitting in his PlaySkool entertainment swing remarked, “Every time I get close to the ceiling the chair swings back and I’m farther away than ever. Closer, then farther, closer, then farther. I don’t think I can take it any more! It’s like I’m stuck in the proverbial pendulum of fortuna, the fruits of Eden always just out of my reach.”

The new findings have prompted many parents to ask themselves “Is my baby depressed?” Diggs and his colleagues have released a list of telltale signs of infant depression: “Does your baby lack energy? Does he lie on his back all day staring into space, reluctant to even get up and walk to the next room? Does your baby have sudden, vigorous fits of crying for no apparent reason? Is your baby reluctant to speak to you or others? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it is likely your baby is depressed. Please consult a mental health professional immediately.”

A Message to White America

_Hi WASPs, I’m Daniel Brady. From my name you’re probably guessing that I’m white too, but I’m not. I am an Irish/African-American male who happens to looks like a Native American version of Aladdin. As complicated as this may seem, be satisfied to know that I am a Jew’s nose away from being the amalgamation of every oppressed ethnic group in America. _

Although you might control every market, own every media outlet, hold most important government positions, and put on blackface to be Colin Powell, you really are not all that great. So stop making burrito jokes and encouraging Wayne Brady.

Since I grew up in a rich white neighborhood, I have a history with you guys. I would like to shame you with memories of how you made my life hell before you drive off in your BMWs and hide in your houses sequestered within the hills of La Ca+A|ada.

When Everyone Found Out

White Guy: So you’re black, huh?
Me: Well, not really. I’m only half, and Malagasy too. We are not a result of the Bantu-Niger migration where the skin color is very dark. It’s a common misconception that all Africans are black. It is a diverse continent.
White Guy: So…is Malcolm X your uncle or something?

At Practice

Teammate #1: Hey Daniel, afraid of the water?
Me: I’ve been playing water polo with you guys for the last five years, and now that you know I’m African-American you think I’m afraid of water?
Teammate #1: Sorry man, don’t “bust a cap.” I just thought you people were afraid of all forms of water…except for watermelon, that is.
Teammate #2: Hi-oh! Snap! [They give each other high fives]
Teammate #1: But seriously, show us your dick.

During History Class

Teacher: And that is the paragraph on black history we are going to study. Any comments?
Me: [as everyone turns to me] Madagascar was a French colony. They did not export slaves to America from there, so stop looking at me.
White Kid: Calm down, Frederick Douglass, no need to start a Black Panther Party meeting here.

At Dances

[Group of white people surrounds me]
White Girl #1: Well…aren’t you going to breakdance?
Me: I’m sorry, I don’t know how.
White Guy: Step dance?
Me: Nope.
White Girl #2: Surely you must be able to at least tap dance. I mean how are you people supposed to make money if not by entertaining us? Gregory Hines must have at least taught you something. I’m no black expert, but I’m pretty sure you guys would do anything to get out of having a real job.
Me: I can pick locks.
Group of White People: [nods approvingly]

College Acceptances

White Guy: Damn it Daniel, I know you only got into Berkeley because you’re a minority. That’s why I didn’t get accepted.
Me: What are you talking about? I worked my fucking ass off to get good grades and do extracurricular activities while you just partied it up and got into car accidents.
White Guy: Yeah sure, whatever. Either way, my dad had to donate a whole new wing to Haas in order for me to go. Now I’ll never get my own hovercraft.

Getting Girls

Me: So, how’s it going?
Blonde Girl: Sorry, you’re just not my type.
Me: I’m sorry, you must have me confused. I’m not Indian, I’m African-American.
Blonde Girl: Oh! Well, in that case…[bites lip] but then again…
Me: And I won’t tell your dad.
Blonde Girl: [face lights up] Show me your dick.

Daniel Brady

Volume 14, Issue 5: (Don’t Look at) The Magic Eye

Mark Thomas vs. the Internet

Let’s face it; the Internet had a lot to offer in its heyday: earth-shattering breakthroughs in communication, data access, and commerce, just to name a few. Yeah, the Internet was pretty cool.

Around the same time the idea of a global network of interconnected computing machines was picking up momentum, technology had a second Big Bang: the one that conceived me. As challenging the oppressive rule of Goliath was David’s charge, so was I pitted against the Internet, vying for my due recognition from within the shadow of an imposing behemoth.

After years of fierce and controversial debate that has torn nations, families apart, I have decided to compile a comprehensive comparison to once and for all settle this, the rivalry to end all rivalries.

Internet: Instantaneous access to virtually unlimited information
Mark: Access to the Internet

Thanks to the searching power of the Internet, I can help track down whatever it is you need to find, virtually anywhere.

Mark +1

Internet: Global communication
Mark: Strong interpersonal skills

The Internet may connect you to users in other countries, but can it effectively leverage synergies towards a common goal? The Internet can’t even drive a car. How lame.

Mark +1

Internet: Broadband connection
Mark: Connection

With the advent of widespread broadband and wireless access, the Internet is increasingly easy to connect to whereas, because of questionable parenting, I am not.

Internet +1

Internet: Vast and wildly diverse collection of pornography
Mark: Well-catalogued, vast, and wildly diverse collection of pornography

With Mark Thomas, what you see is what you get. I take the time to appropriately label and categorize my amalgam of adult media. The Internet expends no such effort; this often leads to one embarrassing oneself. I will never embarrass you while you are viewing your pornography.

Mark +1

In closing, even if we look at fundamental qualties such as leadership potential, we find the Internet painfully deficient. The Internet may have ushered in the digital age, but there are serious doubts as to whether or not it could quiet down a room in less than fifteen seconds. My can-do attitude embarrasses the Internet’s passive management style.

In conclusion, I win for all of the following reasons: I am not the Internet and I don’t suck. Also, the Internet can’t defend itself in writing.

A Day in the Life of D. West

That Drill Sergeant in Army Camos Who Goes on <i>The Maury Povich Show</i> and Yells at People

10:42 AM: Morning taping of Maury Povich Show. Yelled at 13-year-old hussy
until she tearfully promised to change her ways. Spent further 20 minutes yelling at her tears.

12:04 PM: Lunch break from taping. Yelled at deli worker until he gave me my food. Yelled at loogie for being in my pastrami sandwich. Yelled at my sandwich in reverse, which some people call eating.

1:18 PM: Afternoon taping of Maury. Yelled at 13-year-old girl for being pregnant. Yelled at her unborn fetus for making the girl so pregnant. Fired from show.

3:59 PM: Arrived at court-appointed anger management-related community service.

4:04 PM: Forcibly removed from orphanage after reading to abused children for only two minutes. They are left wondering how Goodnight

6:51 PM: Returned home to walk-up apartment in Brooklyn. Yelled at broken toaster oven, which is shamed into fixing itself. Yelled at refrigerator for having no food to toast.

7:02 PM: Leaned out of window and yelled at market across the street for food. Wayward bird is sucked into my mouth, solving the dinner problem.

7:22 PM: Ran to park and vociferated at squirrel for its dilatoriness. Also attended impromptu Vocabulary Building Workshop tent
before returning home again.

8:31 PM: Agent calls to inform me I’ve been hired to host MSNBC’s new talk show, Hey Dickmouth! Expressed gentle gratitude to agent for seven minutes before inhaling phone.

10:40 PM: Angry sleep. Eagerly awaited chance to yell at my dreams.

Being a Male Porn Star Is Hard Work

By Miles O’Dong

Most people think that being a male porn star is a glamorous job. That all day it’s just sex and making that one face. But it’s not. For one
thing, it’s hard to tell where work ends and where everyday life begins:

Cashier at Bookstore: Okay, that comes to forty-two dollars even.
Me: Can I pay by credit card?
Cashier: Sure, but I’ll need to see your ID.
Me: [Starts to takes off pants]
Cashier: [Shocked] What the hell are you doing?!
Me: But I thought that “ID” stands for Incredible GAA
Cashier: No. It doesn’t.

And clothes shopping is always an ordeal:

Me: I’d like thirty-eight pairs of tear-away track pants, please.
Clerk: Whoa, buddy! Are you GAA
Me: [Sighs] No, I’m not starting an AYSO team.
Clerk: …a male porn star?
Me: Look pal, you wanna see my ID or not?

And the worst part is, porno doesn’t even pay
that well! I’ve had to work tons of part-time jobs just to make the rent. Like when I got that job as a bartender:

Female Customer: Whiskey sour, extra sour.
Me: Coming right up. [Starts pouring drink]
Female Customer: Why is it taking so long?
Me: [Still pouring] Almost there!
Female Customer: Okay…
Me: [Still pouring] Just a little more!
Female Customer: What?
Me: Yes! That’s it! [Pulls bottle away from glass, coating her face in whiskey]
Female Customer: What the fuck?!
Me: Towel boy! Over here!

Or that time I had to deliver pizzas to a sorority house:

Me: [Rings doorbell]
Sorority Girl in Negligee: [Seductively] Hey there, pizza boy.
Me: Uh, yeah. That’ll be thirteen-fifty.
Sorority Girl: So tell me, what’s on that pizza?
Me: Aww c’mon, don’t make me say it. Can
I just have the money?
Sorority Girl: Not ’til you tell me what’s on that pizza.
Me: [Sighs] Extra sausage.
[Slap bass starts playing]
Me: Goddammit, Jerry, will you stop that?
Guy with Ponytail: Sorry.

After a career in pornography, no one takes you seriously. Like that time I tried out for the
touring cast of the British Royal Shakespeare Company:

Director: Well, Miles, I was very impressed with your portrayal of MacDuff. But…
Me: Was it overwrought?
Director: No, not at all. Best I’ve ever seen, in fact. It’s just that if you want to do mainstream work, you have to start…somewhere else.
Me: You mean, like at a dramatic GAA
Director: You have to blow those eight guys dressed in army camos.
[Kenneth Branagh starts playing slap bass]