Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Top Ten Sequels to Sex Drive, the movie where this guy has to go on a long drive so this chick with do him

  1. Sex God, where this King of the Gods has to turn into a swan so this chick will do him
  2. Sex Bomb, where this guy has to build an IED so these 72 virgins will do him
  3. Sex Pistols, where this guy has to win a game of Rusian Roulette so this sexy gulag guard will do him
  4. Sex Slave, where this guy has to sit through Amistad so his girlfriend will do him
  5. Sex Ed, where this guy named Edward has to shorten his name so this chick who can’t pronounce long names will do him
  6. Sex Tuplets, where this guy has to rear six children so that his wife will continue to do him
  7. Sex Machine, where this guy has to build a robot so that it will do him
  8. Sex Addict, where this guy has to stop doing heroin so this chick at Narcotics Anonymous will do him
  9. Sex Organ, where this guy has to become a church accompanist so the deacon’s daughter will do him
  10. Sex Work, where this guy has to work really hard so that chicks will do him

A Children’s Hospital Run By Children

A Children’s Hospital Run By Children

Patient Care
Patient (Age 5): Doctor, I don’t feel good inside. I’m all squirmy in my brain. And my legs won’t stop kicking!
Dr. Billy (Age 9): Lemme ask you one question. Have you been laughing a lot lately?
Patient: Um, yeah, I think so. Yeah, yeah I have!
Dr. Billy: I was afraid of that. You’ve contracted a very serious case of the sillies.
[A disembodied voice echoes through the hall.]
Voice: Ha-hahaha. AHAHAHAHAHAHA.
Dr. Billy: [shudders] It’s one of the worst outbreaks we’ve seen in years.
Dr. Simon (Age 7): [running in through the door] Billy, come quick! We’ve got another one in Room 310!
Dr. Billy: Poopy darn! They’re dropping like flies. Have we at least made any progress on identifying the contagion?
Dr. Simon: Lab reports suggest the only thing victims have in common is contact with girls.
Dr. Billy: Cooties, my old foe. We meet again.

Emergency Room
[Two child EMT’s rush a patient through the hospital halls.]
Child EMT: Get out of the way! This patient has a splinter!
Patient (Age 6): Waaaaahhhhhh, bwaaaaaaahhhhh!
Child EMT: [entering the ER] He’s gonna need sedation. Nurse, get some Skittles!
Dr. Simon: This looks bad. What is it? Rug burn? Scraped knee? Not a bee sting?
Child EMT: Worse. Splinter in the hand, doctor. Right in between the fingers!
Dr. Simon: Oh my gosh. Get me the tweasers.
Patient: No! No! I’m too young for surger–
Dr. Simon: There! All done.
Patient: [sniffling] Thank you, doctor. I can’t believe you did that! Let’s be best friends.
Dr. Simon: I didn’t go to baby med school to be best friends with wimps. Send him to Psychiatric for trauma counseling.

[A group of child surgeons is gathered around a sedated patient on an operating table.]
Dr. Billy: Okie dokie, what have we got here?
Surgeon (Age 11): Patient has been being a crybaby since taking a blow to the genitalia a bunch of days ago. You’re gonna do exploratory surgery to discover the source of the ouchie.
Dr. Billy. Whoa, you want me to cut open his weewee? Grooosss.
Surgeon: I don’t see any other option.
Dr. Billy: Why don’t we just give him a lollipop? That makes everybody feel better.
Surgeon: Brilliant, doctor. Okay let’s go play tag.

Administrative Affairs
Chief of Medicine (Age 3): Awright Simon, I know we’re fwends, but I’m twyin’ to wun a hospital here! You can’t keep wunnin’ awound like you own the place!
Dr. Simon: But I do own the place! My parents bought it off you for a piggy back ride.
Chief: I don’t care! You gotsa follow the wules like evwybody else. This hospital is full of tattletales. Did you think I wasn’t gonna find out about you noogying patients in the head twauma ward?
Dr. Simon: My professional integrity was on the line. I got triple dog dared to!
Chief: We’re doctors, Simon. We make hard choices evwyday. If I twiple dog dared you to knowingly let a patient die, would you do it?
Dr. Simon: Yeah, duh.
Chief: No way! I twiple dog dare you to kill a patient.
Dr. Simon: Okay, c’mon! I wanna see what happens when you put Kool-Aid in an IV.

Intensive Care Unit
[A high pitched beeping noise indicates that a patient’s heart has stopped.]
Nurse Emily (Age 5): Doctor, we need to act fast! Patient is flatlining!
Dr. Billy: He must have a broken heart! Twenty cc’s of puppies, stat!
[A nurse rolls up with a cart carrying 20 adorable puppies.]
Nurse Mia (Age 4): Hurry, get these doggies on the patient’s bed before they play too much and fall asleep!
[The puppies roll around adorably on the bed and paw at the patient’s chest.]
Dr. Billy: Looks like my job is done here.
Nurse: Doctor, this patient has a congenital heart defect.
Patient: [continues flatlining]
Dr. Billy: Uh oh.

Words from the Top

Introducing Squelchy: The Squelch Mascot!

The Squelch has long been in a need of an official mascot. Like most student organizations, we need a logo to put on all the obnoxious shirts we make everyone wear. Plus, distribution is a lot easier when people see a mascot they know means “Squelch.” We hand out a shit ton of these things. By hand.

For years we had a great guy who dressed up in a big tiger suit, but he eventually left us to explore his furry identity in a more personal manner. So we had to start looking around for someone new. First we had a freshman dress up as a giant copy of the magazine, but he filed a claim against us with the ASUC when we kept locking him up in the office with the other props. To be fair, it’s pretty dark and a little damp in there. Next we tried hiring a homeless person, but his rates got a little high when he started demanding “money.”

Then we thought, maybe a human isn’t the way to go. Someone brought a beta fish into the office, and we started calling him “Squelchy.” Things were looking really good until we forgot to feed him for a year. I guess we should’ve known we were too irresponsible for a pet. You don’t even wanna know what happened to the Squelch baby.

Finally, we decided on a mascot that really symbolized us. One that everyone could agree on: a nest of birds, but the birds are dicks and there is a mama bird, and she is also a dick. But as it turns out, people didn’t find that very catchy. We were back at square one.

So for now, our mascot will temporarily continue to be those kids who yell at you on Sproul. Be kind to them. They don’t know any better.

Squelchily yours,
Lena Brooks
Max Ebert

Top Ten Ways for a Billionaire to Die

  1. Skull implodes from sheer vacuity
  2. Mentioned who his will was made out to
  3. Sudden caviar allergy
  4. Grief at losing beloved sled
  5. Trampled by prize ponies
  6. Not very good at most dangerous game
  7. Solid gold boat not so buoyant in practice
  8. Starved to death while lost in mansion
  9. Immolated by jetpack
  10. Drowning in a pile of money

A Middle School Girl’s Idea of What the Rest of Life is Like

Interviewer: Very nice, and your master’s degree was from Wesleyan as well?
Middle School Girl: Yes, sir.
Interviewer: Hmm, I think I’m missing the part of your resume where you list who asked you to the 7th grade dance.
Middle School Girl: I… didn’t go to the 7th grade dance.
Interviewer: I see. Well, we’ll keep your name on file, thanks for coming in.
Middle School Girl: …
Interviewer: Naturally, we’ll be telling all this to your elementary school friends who moved away; it’s standard procedure.

Doctor: Mrs. Finneker, Mr. Finneker, I don’t know how to tell you this exactly, but… we found out why you haven’t been able to conceive. Jennifer, you have a rare uterine disorder—

Reporter: Congresswoman, I’m Dan Hayes of CBS News. Question: Why should the voters send you back to Washington for a third term?
Middle School Girl: I raised the child tax credit, secured funding to build the causeway, protected the marshlands from developers interested in–
Reporter: What do you say to the breaking news that Stephanie DeMarco will run against you, and that she’s more popular than you?
Middle School Girl: Is she still dating the captain of the lacrosse team?
Reporter: Uh huh.
Middle School: Oh my god I’m going to lose.

Nurse: Thank you for agreeing to save a life today. We just need to ask you a few routine questions. Have you ever used intravenous drugs?
Middle School Girl: No.
Nurse: Have you ever engaged in unprotected sex for money?
Middle School Girl: No I haven’t.
Nurse: Have you ever eaten lunch alone in the bathroom in 7th grade?
Middle School Girl: [Cries]
Nurse: Sorry, you should… you should probably go.

Middle School Girl: Wow, college is nothing like middle school!
College Student: That’s right. Here, no one is popular because they’re pretty or have nice clothes. We like people who are smart and shy.
Middle School Girl: This place is perfect!
College Student: Oh wait, you know how to kiss a boy, right?
Middle School Girl: Well, um…
College Student: Never mind.

Top Ten Outcasts in Their Major

  1. Art major with a future
  2. Japanese/Nuclear Engineering double major
  3. Rhetoric major who understands the major
  4. Rude Civil Engineering major
  5. Irish English major
  6. Politically moderate PACS major
  7. Greedy Buddhist Studies major
  8. Business major with real friends
  9. Down-to-earth Astrophysics major
  10. Forgetful History major

Volume 20, Issue 1: Stacked

Top Ten Signs You Might Have Pledged a Vampire Fraternity

  1. Guys seemed nervous when you suggested “Steak Night.”
  2. Big theme party is always “Immortal Bros and Neck-Bitten Hoes.”
  3. Hell Week actually takes place in Hell.
  4. The house has a firm rule about never letting Wesley Snipes inside.
  5. Guys in coffins are sleeping, not masturbating.
  6. Pledge scavenger hunt just involves robbing Bay Area blood banks.
  7. You’re the only house that never shows up to a party uninvited.
  8. All the brothers work out, but none have mirrors in their rooms.
  9. Brothers avoid daylight whether or not last night was a kegger.
  10. Bloody Marys are served suspiciously warm.

Top Fifteen Capital Reasons to Leave Your Lover

  1. Just Canberra listening to him anymore
  2. She’s a Kathmandude
  3. Seoul-less
  4. Has Amman on the side
  5. Taipei personality
  6. Baghdaddy issues
  7. Djibouti and told all his friends
  8. Won’t do the Mogadishes
  9. Havana affair
  10. Unable to Copenhagen
  11. Islamabad in bed
  12. Starting to get Hanoi-ing
  13. InfiDelhity
  14. Londoesn’t listen
  15. Un-Rome-antic