Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Volume 17, Issue 1: Leper Fight

Federal Trade Commission Starts, End Google Anti-trust Suit

WASHINGTON, D.C. (DS) – On the cusp of Google’s planned buyout of DoubleClick, the online advertising industry’s leading ad-seller, the Federal Trade Commission has both opened and closed its antitrust suit directed at the world’s top search engine.

“As Google has already purchased numerous smaller online advertising firms, we at the Federal Trade, er, uhhh,”

stammered FTC Chairman Deborah Majoras as a Google intern in the audience held aloft posterboard reading, “Recent searches: pre-nup divorce hitman shemale prostitute.”

A representative from the Department of Justice followed in the press conference, stating that, “To let one company dominate the future medium of advertising is both unjust and immoral.” The press conference ended abruptly when an unnamed reporter suffered a violent coughing fit, his coughs sounding remarkably like the words, “transformers,” and “erotic fanfiction.”

When asked for comment, Google CEO Larry Page replied, “Oh, hey Candice. How’s Valtrex working for you?” Then he laughed long and hard.


Welcome to the 2007 NecronomiCon, the premier trade event for evil wizards. You can pick up your name tags at the registration table, located in the heart of the Obsidian Monolith on the Island of Forgotten Souls on the Lake of Eternal Fire which is guarded by the eight-headed Thunder Sphinx whose true name is a thousand whispered secrets. Hand stamps will be required for re-entry.

Below is a tentative schedule of events.

12 noon : Dragon training workshop with professional dragon trainer Stubby-the-Oft-Injured
12 noon : How to use your Time Talisman
12 noon 70 years ago : Oops! Time Talisman Repair Workshop


Panel discussions about Evil Wizardom’s most pressing issues
Room 1A : Those Meddling Kids: Tips on Annihilating The Underage
Room 2A : Converting your Pentagrams to Quadragrams: Save Time and Money
Room 10 : Blood Sacrifices, Personal Sacrifices: How to Balance Work and Family
Utility Closet B : Dark Wizards: Being a Minority in the Wizarding World

All Day : Diablo II Tournament

8AM to 2PM : Trade Show

Buy and sell your evil, accursed wares with over 2000 distributors. Get free mousepads, keychains, bottle openers, and gloves for your wizened hands.
3PM : Breed Your Own Army of Darkness… For Less!

A money-saving seminar co-hosted by Saruman the White and Tony Robbins

10AM : Blood oaths and raffle
12PM : Closing address from the multidimensional octopus who controls Rupert Murdoch

From everyone on the NecronomiCon organizing committee, we look forward to a great week of networking, telekinetic mutilation, and fun fun FUN! Thanks to all our volunteers, and an extra special thanks to our gracious hosts at the Grand Rapids Airport Marriott. Hail Satan!

Unregistered Sex Offenders

California law stipulates that all convicted sex offenders must register their name and address with the state. However, many slip through the cracks in this system. By not technically breaking any laws, a few perverted, depraved individuals roam free and non-humiliated. As the campus’ shining beacon of morality, the Squelch is compelled to provide you with a list of unregistered sex offenders.**

Name**: Grant Pollard
Age : 18
Infraction(s) :

  • Blatantly masturbated in dorm room while roommate had obviously not gone to sleep yet.

  • Masturbated to thought of female antagonist from High School Musical.

  • DC++ profile filled exclusively with horrifying cartoon porn.
    Precautions :

If you are a cute Asian girl who is into Playstation 3 and anime, continue to not exist in the general vicinity of Foothill.

Name : Lizzy Klein
Age : 20
Infraction(s) :

  • Stuck finger in boyfriend’s ass before making sure it was cool with him first.

  • It was not.

  • Keeps getting yeast infections, which while not entirely her fault, is still pretty annoying and gross.
    Precautions :

If around the Shattuck area, do not state that you might be into pegging after getting drunk a couple days before her birthday. Never again, man. Never again.

Name : Alexis Cho
Age : 20
Description : Overly Liberated Asian Girl
Infraction(s) :

  • Leaves vibrator in dishwasher.

  • Constantly claims to be bisexual because she made out with a girl at a party once.
    Precautions :

Try not to remind her of men or women. Use gender-neutral pronouns/words. Reproduce through mitosis.

Name : Aria Alger
Age : 12?
Infraction(s) :

  • Is hot.

  • Flawless makeup and godly push-up bra.
    Precautions :

Come on dude, keep it together dude.

Name : Charlie
Age : 56 (dog years)
Description : Very bad boy
Infraction(s) :

  • Unwanted dry humping of pants legs.

  • Lecherous drooling.

  • Refusal to wear clothes in public.
    Precautions :

Dog whistles, rape whistles, and dog-rape whistles should be carried at all times. Alternatively, suspect can be distracted by squirrels, which are available for free at most rape-prevention workshops.

Bratz ARG Nears Finale

Hundreds of thousands of teenage girls descended on a remote area of Saskatchewan on Tuesday, in preparation for the finale of the popular, complex Alternate Reality Game promoting the movie “Bratz.”

The ARG began over six months ago, when the Bratz trailer was first screened before “Kickin’ It Old Skool” with Jamie Kennedy.

“Stacy and I loved the part where the mean girl was thrown in the pool and screamed ‘You Bratz!’” said 13-year old Ashley Richardson. “Then a phrase flashed on the screen, and I said, ‘oh my god, I think that was Ancient Sumerian.’”

Decoding the message lead the two, and millions of other young girls, into a complex web of mysterious websites, numerological puzzles, and painstaking analysis of DNA/RNA patterns. The community started collaborative MySpace groups and donated the use of billions of supercomputer time cycles. The resulting plaintext, once translated from the Aramaic, told the story of Heather, a fish-out-of-water young girl plunked into a new stepfamily where no one understood her.

“I remember when we solved the Orion Belt puzzle, and it led us to a Forever 21 website with a coupon for 10% off,” said 14-year old Lindsey McDonald. “I was crushed, but then Becky said to look more closely at the cute knit top with the strange black and white pattern.”

“It was the Fibonacci sequence, only with every third number removed,” Lindsey said. “Chapter Three had just begun.”

Legal filings obtained by players with Lawyer Daddies point to a mysterious organization known as the DollMasters behind the Game, which has been nicknamed “Red Dog” by avid players.

The recent resolution of the SETI puzzle led players to a simple webpage with a set of GPS coordinates pointing to Northern Canada and a timer countdown.

“We think it’ll finally resolve if Heather dates her best friend or abandons him for the hot-but-mean football player,” said a shivering Rory Tesota. “Or maybe it’ll just lead us down this rabbit hole a little deeper.”

Geriatrix: A Cyberpunk Novel for Old People

Chapter 5: Do I Have a Virus?

“So why are you here?”

“I hear… I hear you know computers. I’ve got electronic mail to send to my grandson. But I’m scared and confused.”

“Say no more.”

Walter powered up the desktop of his gleaming new Apple II. As if cured suddenly of arthritis, his fingers flew across the keyboard, effortlessly opening the icons. He was double, even triple-clicking. Soon the internet  command prompt screen was in view, ready for the street address of the website.

“You got onto the Internet without a password?” asked Edith, wowed by the technical wizardry before her.

Walter took a drag from his Meerschaum pipe. “That’s right. I’m a hacker. Folks in the cyber-land call me MetaMucil.”

Just then, Edith realized what she was getting into.

“You’re not worried they’ll catch you?”

“There’s no way. I’m running on five operating systems.”

Walter then dragged the “cursor” over Edith’s poem about Jesus onto the web’s page and quickly pressed a combination of buttons on the computer’s typewriter.

“You weren’t followed here, were you?” he said suddenly, affixing her with eyes that had seen so much.

“No. I took back routes, deserted ones. Accidentally drove very slowly past the place a couple times.”

Opening up a second “window,” Walter tapped a second combination, causing the exact poem to appear once again.

“What else can you do on the Interface?” she asked, her eyes betraying her increasing nervousness and rheumatism.

“Whatever you want, dearie. MIDI of Camptown Races? Two clicks, and bam, it’s there. Pictures of the cutest cats you’ve ever seen? Just six URLs away.”

Suddenly, another window popped up on the screen with the mysterious and foreboding title of “ AIM Conversation – ~BaBy-gUrL-819~ 10:19 AM.

Damn, thought Walter, we’ve been counter-hacked.

“We got trouble, Edith. Someone’s on to us…and they don’t like what we’re doing.” Sweat trickled down Walter’s normally cool brow as he read the window’s cryptic message:

~BaBy-gUrL-819~ (10:19:20): Hey there stud. Wanna chat some time? Check out my page here. I’ll be waiting...;)

Edith was visibly shaken. “What does it mean, Walter? What does it mean?”

“It’s code. Probably the feds. There’s no time to build a firewall, I’m just going to have to fight this virus head on.”

As the clock rushed, Walter typed as hard as he could, hitting every possible combination of the control key and a letter in a matter of minutes. The window finally disappeared behind another window informing him that updates were available for his computer.

“We’re in the clear,” he sighed.

After Walter finished typing Edith’s grandson’s full name into the “Send To” form on the e-mailing website and hit the enter key, he turned to her.

“Now. There’s the little matter of payment.”

Edith, eager to escape Walter’s den of inter-crime, plunked down the jar of pennies and headed for the door.

Failed Biopics

**An Ironclad Chicken-Coop: the Strom Thurmond Story **

Starring The Rock as Young Strom and A Wrinkly Leather Puppet as Old Strom
Tagline : “Great times make great oldest men in the world.”
Chronicles subject’s harrowing struggle against : African-American Nurse Clementine.
Authentic dialogue :

Thurmond : “Clementine, you biscuit-headed mongrel-cow. Bring your Nubian rump into the conservatory at once, before I have it stuffed and mounted like the common hippopotamus you are!”
Clementine : “Fuck this, I quit.”
Thurmond : [dies]

Film ends when : Strom’s death brings about a wave of nostalgic racism throughout the South.

**Free Mumia: The “Free Mumia” Story **

Starring Malcolm Jamal-Warner as Mumia
Tagline : “The amazing true story of Mumia, an innocent Black Panther out for a stroll who witnessed a cop shoot himself five times in the face. Also, coincidentally, the cop had just shot Mumia’s brother. Also then Mumia picked up the cop’s gun and shot himself with it. Also he had powder burns.”
Chronicle’s subject’s harrowing struggle against : Own Alleged Demons.
Authentic dialogue :

Mumia : Scrappy, I need you to be strong and listen to me for a while, okay? Some people think I did a bad thing, so I’ll have to go away for a while. I need you to take these books to the homeless shelter for me.
Scrappy the Orphan : Oh my gosh! What do they think you did?
Mumia : They…They think I shot a white police officer five times.
Scrappy the Orphan : But you love white police officers!
Mumia : I know, it’s crazy. I forgive them though, they’re just doing their jobs.
Scrappy the Orphan : But who will volunteer at the abused dog shelter with me?
Mumia : I don’t know, Scrappy. I just don’t know.

Film ends when : Mumia dies for our sins. As he ascends to heaven, all white people become black for a


**Beelzebooze: the Stephen Baldwin Story **

Starring Billy Baldwin as Stephen Baldwin
Tagline : “You can’t drink a Bible.”
Chronicles subject’s harrowing struggle against : Alcoholism, Retarded-Looking Face
Authentic dialogue :

Stephen : (praying) “Okay, Lord. Guide my hand. I sort of quit all the drinking like you requested, and I even made a Christian skateboarding team, which I’m sure you’ll find awesome in a most extreme way. Now please. What am I to do now?”
Jesus : “Star in some movies about giant snakes for a while.”
Stephen : “Righteous!”

Film ends when : Stephen triumphs over his alcoholism long enough to victoriously star as Barney Rubble in a straight-to-DVD Flintstones movie again.

I Want to be Fired

Lately, I’ve been wanting to get good and fired. It’s just one of those things that I want to try once before I die, like meth…again. I’ve been brainstorming ways. Here are a few:

**Propose a ‘Cleanest Pussy in the Office’ contest **

Boss : [Holds up flier with a picture of a girl in a bikini smiling and bending over a fax machine. The header reads, ‘Cleanest Pussy in the Office Contest’ with the sub-header, ‘Find out if you’re Ms. Clean.’] What is this?
Me : Oh yeah, you interested in entering?
Boss : Dan, you know we can’t tolerate this kind of sexist behavior around here.
Me : Did you just say ‘Sexiest Behavior?’ Because that’s a great idea for another contest.

Start talking like the Mark Wahlberg character from The Departed

Me : [Entering room dressed like a cop, with a holster and a fake badge] Sorry I’m late.
Boss : It’s ok.
Me : I’m tired from fucking your wife.
Boss : What?
Me : My mom’s tired from fucking my dad.
Boss : This is uncalled for.
Me : Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself. My theory on Feds is they’re like mushrooms. Feed ‘em shit and keep in the dark. You girls have a nice day.

**Only talk about the weekend **

Me : So how was your weekend?
John : It’s Thursday and we’re in the middle of a company-wide conference call.
Me : Mine was fucking wild.
John : I know, you told everyone in the form of a company-wide email. [John brings up the email and reads] “I had a wild weekend. I fucked a teenager on Saturday and got drunk and played beach volleyball on Sunday. The cops are looking for me.”
Me : Yep, I had a great weekend. So how was your weekend?

Take a really long lunch break

Me : Well, I’m off to lunch.
Co-worker : It’s 9 am.
Me : Not in New York.

Me : [Sets down coat on chair.] I’m back.
Co-worker : You were gone for seven hours. It’s now 4 pm.
Me : You’re right. I better get home for dinner. [Picks up coat and leaves.]

**When someone asks you a question, respond with a Snapple ‘Real Fact’ **

Boss : Are you ready for the meeting?
Me : Frogs never drink.
Boss : What? I need you to print out the documents. Ken Johnson is due in any second. Can you do that for me?
Me : A hummingbird weighs less than a penny.

[Ken Johnson walks in.]
Boss : Ken, great to see you. Have you met Dan Marshall?
Me : [Shaking Ken Johnson’s hand] Beavers can hold their breath for 45 minutes.

Alan Greenspan Pretty Sure New Best Friend is Actually CNN Obituary Writer

VIRGINIA (DS) – Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan has recently been seen visiting various parks, zoos, and other relaxing locations with a new best friend. But the 81-year-old’s joy at finding a new chum has been marred by suspicion after discovering that his friend, James Marston, is the lead obituary writer for

“Well, I don’t meet a lot of people, being as old as I am, and I was so happy to meet this nice young man in the park,” said a genial Greenspan in an interview on his porch where he dispenses home-spun economic wisdom to neighborhood children. “But then I started noticing, James keeps bringing a notebook wherever we go, and he’s always writing down things I say, and once I coughed real hard and he leaned in real close like he was waiting for something.”

When confronted, Mr. Marston assured Mr. Greenspan that there was nothing false or sinister about their relationship and the two shared a hearty hug. “Your friendship just means so much to me,” said Marston, before clapping and screaming “BOO!” directly into Mr. Greenspan’s face.

Vegan Alternatives

Greetings! If you’re reading this then you’re a womyn or man who is choice of living a cruelty free lifestyle. Though some may be critical of harmonious existence, there are many excellent reasons to become a vegan:

  • Because you object to the cruel treatment of animals
  • To achieve a slightly healthier diet at great personal expense
  • To impress the other lesbians
  • Because you hate being happy
  • Because your religion precludes you from being happy

Convinced? Of course you are! Welcome to our family. The first and most important thing to do is to congratulate yourself over and over again. The second step is to actually walk the walk. Here’s a helpful list of superior vegan alternatives to murder-based, err, I mean, meat and dairy based foods to help start you off.



        Normal Food
        Vegan Alternative

        Apple with Cheese on it

        Spaghetti with Meatballs
        Spaghetti with Inflated Sense of Moral Superiority


        Turkey TV Dinner
        Oral sex after a poetry slam

        Pork á la Beef
        Luna bar with a sad face drawn on it

        Succulent Cabernet-Braised Short Ribs
        Fuck You

        Foot-long Hot Dog
        Parliament Lights


        Western Bacon Cheeseburger
        Frowning all the time