Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Words From the Top

Dear Squelch

We here at the Squelch are proud to be entering our 16th year on this campus, and we’d like to celebrate by answering our readers’ most commonly asked questions. Unfortunately none of our readers have ever asked us anything. The only communication we have with our audience is when people spit at us on Sproul. So instead we broke into the offices of hundreds of other Berkeley publications and stole their mail.

Dear Smart Ass Squelch,

I’ve recently discovered that my boyfriend is a Republican! I love him, but how can I be with a man that denies my right to marry a woman?

What should I do?


Answer: Unfortunately there’s little hope for your situation. Make the break up quick and clean: bash his skull in with a rock.

Dear Cal Patriot Squelch,

I just found out that my girlfriend is actually a Democrat! I love her as much as a conservative can love a woman, what should I do?


Answer: Look out! She’s got a rock!

Dear Queer Resource Center Squelch,

Can I get HIV through oral sex?


Answer: Danny, you can do whatever you put your mind to. Thanks for writing in!

Dear La Voz El Squelch,

A los miembros de una cuadrilla de la calle ha secuestrado a mi marido anterior que se llamaba los Revolucionarios Muertos. Me tienen dicho que si no les traigo $35,000 dólares por la noche de miércoles corten su garganta delante de nuestro solamente hijo. Soy así que asustado y no sé a quién para dar vuelta. ¿Podría usted prestarme el dinero que necesito ahorrar al padre de mi hijo?


Answer: Margarite, in answer to your question, no, yes, no, sometimes, and Rick Moranis. Thanks for your question, and please enjoy this autographed photo of “Squelchy.”

Dear Daily Cal Squelch,

In last week’s article “League of Women Voters to Supervise Election,” the author implied he was against women’s right to vote. Am I misconstruing this, or did I read it as intended??


Answer: Dear Jessie, we here at the Squelch are intimately familiar with the Women’s Suffrage movement and couldn’t oppose it more.

Well, we hope this answers all your questions about the Heuristic Squelch. If you have any further questions about our operation, please spit at us.

In-Class Drinking Games

Political Science

Take a Shot every time the one Libertarian tries to change the discussion to how pot should be legal.
Take a Shot of Vodka each time a student uses the term “capitalist” like it means “AIDS”
Person to Your Right Drinks when you’re the first to spot the forty year old woman who arrives 20 minutes late.
Take Three Shots when someone asks “and what of the tragic death of Freddie Mercury due to capitalism?”

Computer Science

010 IF “girl”=“in class” THEN GOTO 020 ELSE GOTO 030
020 EXECUTE “two sips”
030 CONTINUE “masturbating alone in shower”

Any DeCal about Comic Books

Drink a Snifter of Brandy every time someone says the word “mythos.”
Drink a Sake Bomb once the discussion gets to the inevitable part in the comic’s history where the hero begins beating up Japs.
Shotgun a Beer for every impromptu game of “Who would win in a fight?”


Chug a Rolling Rock every time the professor makes some joke about stratography or igneousness or whatever the fuck that shit is.
Take a Shot every time you realize you’re in a three-hour lecture about rocks.
Take a Shot at some other major for Christ’s sake.

Ethnic Studies

Take a Shot when your professor performs a retina-detachingly dramatic eye-roll after saying “George W. Bush.”
Take Two Shots when the professor asks a question that is obviously meant to be answered with “It’s white people’s fault.”
Chug an Imported Beer when the mention of an ethnicity-specific food causes everyone of that ethnicity to loudly express their like of that food.


Take 1 shot every time your professor starts a sentence with “check this out.”
Take 2 shots when your professor ends that sentence with a hand gesture in place of an actual word.
Take 3 shots every time the professor refers to the dog with a bandana around its neck as “your GSI.”

The Truth About the Future

In the 1980’s, no doubt you imagined that the year 2000 would be filled with futuristic Jetsonesque wonders like flying cars, moving floors, and equality in the workplace. Oh, how very wrong you were. We at the Squelch are here to confirm or debunk the fantasies you have about the future, because we believe our readers deserve to hear the cold straight truth. And also because we enjoy crushing your stupid, stupid dreams.

Fantasy : “Everyone in the future will drive a flying car.”
Reality : Flying cars will be cheap to purchase and easy to fly. Unfortunately, they will only be able to fly straight up.

Fantasy : “All food will be consumed in pill form.”
Reality : Just the opposite. For example, a dose of Extra Strength Tylenol will be administered in the form of an entire fried turkey leg.

Fantasy : “Humans will unknowingly consume human flesh in the form of Soylent Green.”
Reality : No such product will ever exist. However, McDonalds will introduce the slightly less subtle “McPeople Deluxe.”

Fantasy : “Nanotechnology will cure all disease.”
Reality : True. Nanotechnology will cure all diseases that were caused by nanotechnology.

Fantasy : “The hole in the ozone layer will be repaired.”
Reality : True. But the much more dangerous hole in the earth’s crust will get much larger.

Fantasy : “Robots will be invented and work for the good of mankind.”
Reality : True, except for the robots on welfare.

Fantasy : “Cancer will be eradicated.”
Reality : True. Robots will no longer get cancer.

Fantasy**: “Man will make contact with alien life.”
Reality : True. Unfortunately, man will also make contact with alien charm, alien sofa, and ultimately, alien AIDS.

Fantasy : “The world will adopt an alternative source of energy.”
Reality : Also true. Unfortunately, “the world” is “the alien homeworld,” and the “alternative source of energy” is “human slaves.”

Fantasy : “The world will enter a utopian age of peace.”
Reality : True. Apocalyptic disasters will reduce the world’s population to two people, who get along well enough, technically constituting “world peace.” This golden age will end when one fails to invite the other to his birthday party, resulting in an age of “world awkwardness.”

Invisimask Advertisement

From the makers of Invisalign, the invisible braces, comes Invisimask. The Invisimask system is a mostly painless system for facial correction and beautification. Developed by NASA for ugly astronauts, the patented space-age Uglon technology subtly alters your facial features while you sleep. Simply wear the Invisimask during slumber and you’ll be on your path to the only thing that matters — making sure people don’t explosively vomit at the sight of you.

“I can go outside again!”

— Janice Evans, Kansas City, MO

“Only 6 more months and I won’t cry so much!”

— Nathan Daniels, Brooklyn, NY

“Ah am gon suu yuh mohhstahs.”

— Felix Thomas, La Jolla, CA * **

  • Note: Invisimask may cause permanent facial nerve damage. By “may” we mean “will.”
    ** By trying to decipher this man’s slurred speech you have legally waived all rights to sue



Back-Alley Mike’s School of Back-Alley Self-Defense

Thanks to the Democrats, 3-time “King of the C-Block Showers” Back-Alley Mike is back on the street to teach you the fundamentals of self defense.


“Staring down the barrel of a gun is one of the most challenging situations in self-defense. This is why you should always carry a gun, because it will scare the shit out of whoever you’re self-defensing.”

“If you’re involved in a violent situation, remember the three C’s. Celerity, Concealment, and Cockpunch.”

“Many situations can be resolved non-violently. For instance, if your assailant agrees to put his hands up and give you his wallet.”

“Your attacker might try to intimidate you with tactics like shouting ‘Get on the ground!’ or ‘Police, freeze!’ Regardless of how loud they shout or how shiny their badge is, don’t fall for it. These so-called tough guys go down just like everybody else; with a hollow-point 9mm bullet to the knee.”

“Positioning is key in self-defense, which is why you should always try to self-defense people in the dark from behind.”

“Your attacker will draw strength from any signs of fear you show so always try to keep your head covered. Use a hood, ski-mask, or a fistful of lye into his eyes.”

Lesson Plan

Week 1: Unarmed Combat, And How to Exploit People That Try It

Week 2: Defending Your Future Property

Week 3: Picking Whom to Defend Yourself Against

Week 4: Making Sure No One Saw You Defending Yourself

Week 5: Maps and Locations of ATM Machines that Don’t have Cameras

To enroll in the course, write your local parole board and tell them that I’ve found work.


Really Hot Chick Rejected from Boalt

Upon receiving her rejection letter from the Boalt School of Law, AOPi sister Allison Summer tragically discovered that her “Everything I Need To Know In Life I Learned From Legally Blonde” poster was total fucking bullshit.

“My application video was perfect!” she whined. “My sister and I had a pillow fight! She’s a Delia’s model! What could have possibly gone wrong?”

Plenty, according to Walter Chobdok, Dean of Admissions at the Boalt school. “What? Who?” Chobdok said. “Oh, the pillow fight girl? Well if you want a comment I guess I’d have to go with ‘dangerously unqualified.’ There was no possible way we would even consider this. She sent us her PSAT scores, okay? At one point during her video application, she mentioned how much she looked forward to meeting the rest of this season’s Real World cast. She is less than dead to us.”

Despite the rejection, and rejections from Harvard, Georgetown, and Elimidate, Summer remains hopeful. “There’s always congress!” she bubbled. She and her small dog then snorked up an eighth of blow and went down on some guys from Fiji.

Volume 16, Issue 2: Stop Dancing!

Top Ten Signs Your Partner is a Cannibal

  1. Foreplay involves complimentary bread
  2. Tosses your salad with Ranch and croutons
  3. Wants it 3 times a day
  4. Breaks up with you by saying, “It’s not you, it’s my high cholesterol”
  5. Uses a napkin as a Dental Dam
  6. Gives you hand jobs with a hot dog bun
  7. Adds carrots and onions to the hot tub
  8. Gave you A1-brand cologne
  9. Insists on lubricating with gravy
  10. Hickeys require band-aids

Top Ten Homoerotic Bumper Stickers

  1. Don’t Blame Me – I’m Dying of AIDS
  2. My Other Car Is a Man’s Ass
  3. Danger: Wide Loads
  4. Visualize Whirled Penis
  5. My kid beat off Your Honor Student
  6. I don’t like Bush
  7. Support Your Right To Bears!
  8. Horn Broken – Watch For Penis
  9. If you can read this, then suck my cock
  10. Well behaved womyn rarely make history

High-Brow Erotic Fanfiction

“The Battle of Man-Asses”

Author: RebCake20

Source: Ken Burns’ “The Civil War”

[The camera pans out from an aged photograph as a sorrowful and rustic violin plays an old Southern requiem. The photo is of two men with scraggly beards engaged in anal sex]

Narrator: [reading from a letter] “My dearest Lulabelle. I find myself in the most terrible of erogenous conundrums. Last night the fates had transpired that I would take part in an act of illuminating sodomy, an awakening of senses within my soul and loins and posterior. While it happened so that I required the medicinal aid of a shot of whiskey and a stick to bite on, the pain of the initial penetration was nothing compared to the following glory enacted upon my most tender of holes. It will take quite some time and help from divine providence to ascertain my choice between your exquisite kiss, or my tent-mate’s veiny rod.”

–Private First Class Kilbourne S. Noisewater, 1864.

“You Ever Notice?”

Author: RoOnEyFaN86

Source: 60 Minutes

Leslie Stahl’s breath evacuated her lungs immediately as her eyes were drawn towards Andy Rooney’s massive member. “Leslie! What are you doing in my dressing room?” Andy asked, his tone getting more and more coy as the question progressed. Leslie tried to answer him, but was temporarily hypnotized by the sight of her coworker’s gray and knotty manhood.

“I–I–Wow…” Leslie stammered. Andy had this kind of effect on women, when they finally were able to take a peek at his gnarled trousersnake. So it was no surprise to him when Leslie, in a semi-simplified state of lust, suddenly dropped to her knees and began servicing him with her award-winning journalist’s tongue. Andy’s abundant, snow-white brow furrowed, as he began to commentate on the pleasure he was receiving:

“Blowjobs are funny. It’s hardly a job, unless you get paid to do it, in which case it’s not the kind of thing I want to get mixed up in, and it certainly doesn’t involve blowing. It actually involves the opposite, which is sucking. I don’t care for the term ‘blowjob,’ as it conjures up all sorts of images of some kind of balloon, and frankly I just don’t like associating my sexual experiences with balloons.”


Author: Praying_Mantits

Source: Mythbusters

Adam: Jamie; the myth for this week is uh, it’s something [chuckles] of a new kind of myth for us.
Jamie: Uh, yes, that is right. It’s something we’ve not done before, so it actually ought to be quite a treat for a lot of you, uh, viewers out there.
Adam: [Chuckles] Ha, yes, that’s because we are going to be testing the myth of the male G-spot.

[Animation plays of cartoon character with Adam’s photographic head superimposed on being reamed by cartoon Jamie. Eventually cartoon Adam ejaculates, and his semen spells out “Male G-Spot”]

Adam: For this experiment, we’re going to be using myself and Jamie on this yoga mat, and we’ll also be employing the use of a lot of lubricant, because the myth does not specify whether lube should or shouldn’t be used.
Jamie: Now you haven’t done this before, right Adam?
Adam: [Chuckles] No. So we’re going to need a lot of lubricant. [nods head with each syllable of “lubricant,” chuckles]

[_High-speed montage set to ukulele music of Adam and Jamie having anal sex. Interspliced

are images of the Asian guy and the chick doing nothing, as usual. This continues until

Adam is brought to a shuddering climax_]

Adam: Oh, wow! [Chuckles]

[Jamie finishes on Adam’s chest, and then spits to the side]

Jamie: Busted.