Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Top Ten Signs Sex with a Polar Bear Is Going Poorly

  1. Safety word “grwerwerwer” sounds lot like signal for fuck me harder “grwerfwere”
  2. You already went black bear and now you can’t go back
  3. Relationship dying due to language bear-ier
  4. “Fuck Buddies” means different things to each of you
  5. Everywhere you try to kiss smells like fish
  6. Apparently you were supposed to use the flare gun to distract him
  7. Already killed and ate most of you
  8. You’re fucking freezing
  9. Everyone in the zoo is staring
  10. You’re a penguin

Nickelodeon Solutions to Everyday Problems

PROBLEM: Your rent is due tomorrow and you don’t get paid until next week.
LIKELY RESULT: Another long night in the apartment manager’s office. At least you remember to bring your kneepads this time. Listerine may wash away the night’s memories, but it won’t wash away your ruined credit and wrecked self-esteem.
NICKELODEON SOLUTION: You ask your apartment manager if he knows why your rent is late. When he replies, “I don’t know,” he is covered in green slime! You both have a laugh, get a bite to eat at Barth’s, and then go to sleep in a gym locker with Alanis Morissette.

PROBLEM: You just found out you contracted HIV from your mistress, and you have to tell your wife that you’ve likely passed it on to her.
LIKELY RESULT: You never muster up the courage to tell her and when both she and your best friend John die from AIDS 7 months later, you’re pretty upset. Also you still have AIDS.
NICKELODEON SOLUTION: You hire Linda Ellerbee and the Nick News kids to explain the situation to your wife with the help of special guest anchor Magic Johnson. Things take a turn for the worse, however, when your wife realizes Linda Ellerbee is your mistress.

PROBLEM: Morpheus wants you to prove yourself and defeat the agent before finding out if the Mervoginian will release the Key Maker.
LIKELY RESULT: Pretentious mid-air kick-boxing battle over a crowded thoroughfare.
NICKELODEON SOLUTION: After moving Mikey up two squares and answering a question about the Old West, you make it to round three but your 2d-virtual magic carpet ride comes to an end early when you fail to collect three rings and are bitten to death by a crudely animated snake. You never manage to reach Mongo the space troll and defeat him to earn a Commodore Amiga, but the ending still makes more sense than Neo being Jesus.

PROBLEM: Your boss tells you that the managerial promotion has come down to you and your rival Davidson.
LIKELY RESULT: While attempting to pull an all-nighter to finish a report, you end up crashing out and sleepwalking into your boss’s office. The turd on his keyboard isn’t easy to explain the next morning.
NICKELODEON SOLUTION: Instead of basing the promotion off on your job aptitude, your boss tells you the decision will be made by a race to the top of the AGGRO-CRAG! As you scramble up its jagged features, a well placed kick to your rival sends him face first into an explosion of confetti. He’s blinded for life and you get the promotion! Suck on THAT, Davidson!

PROBLEM: A friendly boasting match turns ugly and you end up in a duel to the death with a sea pirate.
LIKELY RESULT: You’re boned.
NICKELODEON SOLUTION: Hey, I said you’re boned. What, you think David the Gnome is going to pop out with a magical fox for you to ride away on? Fucking pirate is 6’5″ and has an eye patch. I mean, shit.

Discount Wisdom

I never went back to that gloryhole once I found out there was a person on the other side.

NASCAR’s great. I mean, who doesn’t love a bunch of traffic?

People say that crows are a symbol of death, but I can think of a better one: the ambulance that just turned its sirens off.

I can’t imagine anything more beautiful than a nice pair of breasts. Unless, of course, they were attached to something.

If you do enough good deeds, the mayor will give you a giant key to the city. But he doesn’t give you giant pants to keep it in.

It doesn’t seem fair to me that if a vampire bites me, I become a vampire. But if I bite a vampire, he doesn’t become manic depressive.

James said he wasn’t a werewolf, but how do you explain him dying after only one silver bullet to the face?

When life gives you power, make Powerade.

If rocks had a feudal society, I think boulders would be the king, pebbles would be the peasants, and sand would be the peasants ground up into little pieces.

Top Ten Diseases You Wish You Had

  1. Peter Parkinson’s and Spider-Maningitis
  2. Genital Mono
  3. Whatever you get from sleeping with Jessica Alba
  4. Alzheimer’s if you recently watched your family be mauled by tigers
  5. That type of cancer that makes you crap Beanie Babies
  6. Tickle-Cell Anemia
  7. HIV Negative
  8. The disease like in that porno where the nurse has to give you a blowjob or you die
  9. Dance Fever
  10. Adult Alcohol Syndrome

White People Jokes!

How many white people does it take to invent the lightbulb?
Just one!

What did one white guy say to the other white guy?
“I got into Yale.”

Why did the white man throw the clock out the window?
Because he was angry about losing the big Dryerson case.

Why did the white man jump off the empire state building?
Because he is Superman, and therefore can fly.

What happened to the guy who was born half French, half English?
He enjoyed he benefits of dual citizenship, but chose to live in England for tax purposes!

What’s black and white and red all over?
A Shriner funeral!

What do you call a thousand white people at the bottom of the ocean?
The Titanic. What a tragedy.

Why did the white doctor fail the driving test?
Women can’t be doctors!

Would You Rather Be Hung-Over or Over-Hung?

Scenario One:

Using the English Language
Hung-over: When hung-over, complex words like “uhhhhhhnng” are often hard to pronounce. You are light-headed. You feel like you might vomit. You do vomit. You try to tell one of the workers at Jack-in-the-Box that you just puked, but much to your chagrin neither you nor he speak English very well. You puke again.
Over-hung: If you’re toting around a large cock you only need to know how to say two phrases: “Oh Yeah!!!” and “Ouch, I think my back is broken from carrying around this 42 lb cock.”
Winner: Over-hung

Scenario Two:

Going out in Public
Hung-over: You walk outside and are instantly perplexed by mankind’s invention of sunlight. You suddenly hate everything, including the pants you forgot to put on.
Over-hung: Even if you remember the pants, they never fit like they do in the ads.
Winner: Hung-over

Scenario Three:

Trying to get Laid
Hung-Over: For some reason, the women in Denny’s at 11 am on a Saturday don’t generally want to go back to your place. You try to download porn but your computer screen is brighter than gazing on the true form of God. You rub yourself vaguely until you realize it would take less energy to just go back to sleep and hope for a wet dream.
Over-Hung: Fitting your sexual device into a vagina is like pushing a subway train into an ant’s ass hole. You try several times with several different women, but can’t get the pieces to fit. Finally you meet Shamu.
Winner: Hung-over, but only ’cause it’s not the original Shamu

Scenario Four:

Driving a Car
Hung-Over: My dear lord, you’re still drunk. You scream this revelation to your passengers, laugh and then realize the elementary students in the bus you’re driving don’t quite understand or appreciate the joke like your drinking buddies would. You crash into a parked building.
Over-Hung: You drive a Ford Focus to undercompensate for your abnormally large penis. Legroom is an issue. Occasionally, lack of a sunroof.
Winner: Hung-over

Scenario Five:

Getting Drunk
Hung-over: The best way to eliminate a hangover is to keep drinking. You just wish you knew what you were getting yourself into when you started drinking at a Pink Floyd concert back in 1977.
Over-hung: Getting you drunk is nearly impossible. When you drink it’s like drinking for two if one of you is a huge, oblong pickleman. Heroin is more your style; with a cock that big, finding a vein is never a problem.
Winner: Hung-over

Overall Winner:


Bonds Steroid Indictment Stalled

All the members of the grand jury about to indict baseball star Barry Bonds for perjury in relation to the ongoing BALCO steroids investigation have disappeared.

Police are baffled, as the only evidence appears to be a giant man-shaped hole which has mysteriously appeared in the wall of the courtroom in which they were meeting. Police also found bloody cleats, several broken baseball bats, and an emotionally scarred bat boy who kept repeating “He just kept asking for a heavier bat. He just kept asking!”, but investigators dismissed these as unrelated to any crime that might’ve occurred.

<i>Other</i> New Baby Einstein Videos

Baby Einstein videos are supposed to make your infant son or daughter smarter just by watching them. This from the same company that brought you Learn Korean While You Sleep, Study for the LSATS While You Watch Rocky II, and Mozart CDs that enlarge your penis. Check out the new line of videos guaranteed to not have a money-back guarantee.

Baby Goldstein

This video will give your baby the savvy and confidence to thrive in the tough world of Los Angeles, plus make him Jewish. Your baby will grow up to be either an entertainment lawyer or an agent, guaranteed. Your baby is an asshole.

Yeah Baby, Spank My Ass

Medium-to-hard bondage pornography. Upon further reflection, probably not for babies.

Baby Achiever

Does your baby play and laugh all the day long? Is your baby making no progress towards its dreams of home or boat ownership? Tony Robbins will teach your baby how to buy and sell real estate in its spare time. Video includes Tony Robbins’ personal guarantee: “If your little one does not achieve total financial independence by the age of two, I will personally buy your baby from you.”

Baby Strong Point Guard

These videos will make your baby grow up to be seven feet tall. But how does it work? The simple medical explanation is “gypsies.”

Baby Boot Camp

Billy Blanks will whip your baby into shape with a modified aerobic army workout. “I’m so confident in my system,” says Billy, “that if you don’t see results in three weeks, Tony Robbins will buy your baby from you.”