Author Archives: The Squelch

A Day in the Life of D. West

That Drill Sergeant in Army Camos Who Goes on <i>The Maury Povich Show</i> and Yells at People

10:42 AM: Morning taping of Maury Povich Show. Yelled at 13-year-old hussy
until she tearfully promised to change her ways. Spent further 20 minutes yelling at her tears.

12:04 PM: Lunch break from taping. Yelled at deli worker until he … Read More

Words from the Top

Enemy Mine

Everyone needs an enemies list. With all the talk of national disunity and the red/blue divide, I figure this “healing” is just a clever tactic. That’s right, they lull you into a false sense of security, then BAM, Senator Joe … Read More

Top Ten Forms of Tomfoolery

  1. Promising Ten But Delivering Nine
  2. Putting a Handkerchief in a Young Madam’s Bosom
  3. Putting Things Where They Ought Not Be
  4. Being an Utter Hooligan
  5. Putting Spirits in Ginger Ale
  6. Putting Dijon Mustard on a Hot Cross Bun
  7. Whitewash-related Fibbing
  8. Tying
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Top Ten Rides at the Bemusement Park

  1. Clark Kent: The Ride
  2. House of Opaquely Dirty Mirrors
  3. Indiana Jones Archaeological Dig Adventure
  4. Thomas Moore’s Autopia
  5. Tunnel of Hesitant Mutual Attraction
  6. Mr. Toad’s Wild Bench
  7. The Ed Harriswheel
  8. The Doesn’t Matterhorn
  9. Bummer Cars
  10. Emotional Rollercoaster
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