Author Archives: The Squelch

Vegan Alternatives

Greetings! If you’re reading this then you’re a womyn or man who is choice of living a cruelty free lifestyle. Though some may be critical of harmonious existence, there are many excellent reasons to become a vegan:

  • Because you object
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Failed Biopics

**An Ironclad Chicken-Coop: the Strom Thurmond Story **

Starring The Rock as Young Strom and A Wrinkly Leather Puppet as Old Strom
Tagline : “Great times make great oldest men in the world.”
Chronicles subject’s harrowing struggle against : African-American … Read More

Diary of a White Collar Criminal

February 2001 – Big Promotion

I may not have one of those fancy “MBAs” or “GEDs” but if there’s one thing I do know, it’s landscape architecture. Wait, I mean business. That’s right, I just became CEO. Who’s an accident … Read More

Unregistered Sex Offenders

California law stipulates that all convicted sex offenders must register their name and address with the state. However, many slip through the cracks in this system. By not technically breaking any laws, a few perverted, depraved individuals roam free and … Read More


When I was a little kid I always thought my life would get better and better and better. Well has it? Let us compare.

Me at 6 : I wake up early for cartoons!
Me at 16 : I … Read More