Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

MTV Cribs For Pregnant Women

(Camera pans stylishly over the façade of a modest two-bedroom house in suburbia. Cue theme music, which is either Kanye West’s “Stronger” or Kanye West’s “Stronger (Remix).” The door opens to reveal a pregnant woman wearing a loose-fitting T-shirt and sandals. She smiles and waves.)
Woman : What’s up MTV! This is Sara Eckhart, and this is my crib. Come on in! Let me show you around.

(camera follows woman into the bathroom)
Sara : All my pregnant homies tell me, you ain’t a player unless you’ve got a solid gold toilet into which you can throw up each morning.

(goes into bedroom, playfully sprawls across bed, teasingly traces finger along pillow)
Sara : Aww yeah, MTV. This is where the magic happens. And by magic I mean my husband no longer finds me attractive.


Sara (opens refrigerator)**: Let me show you something real interesting: the foods I have. (Jump cuts over foods in fridge) This fridge is tricked out, yo! I got everything from pickles to ice cream to additional pickles—I got the hookup, man! It is never enough.


Sara (pointing to sink)**: This is where we’re gonna bathe my kid. We got one of those baths that tells you the temperature. It cost us a damn C-note, but that’s just how we roll. Scalding babies is for scrubs. So is making them cold. I can’t remember which is worse. I gotta read my b-b-b-baby books, son!


Sara**: This is where my little baby’s gonna go! (gives crib a quick jiggle, laughs) Chekkitycheck this shabby chic dust ruffle–we collaborated with an interior designer to create a gender nonspecific space for our unborn child, yo.
Husband : (whispering desperately at wife’s uterus) Boyboyboyboyboy…


Sara**: (opens closet) I got tons of clothes up in here, none of which fit because I’m so phat.
Husband : I think you want “fat,” honey.
Sara : . . . yes.


Sara**: So you’ve seen my baby stuff. Why don’t I show you my other baby: my mo’fuckin’ 2001 PT Cruiser.

(about a dozen seizure-inducing jump cuts of a purple PT Cruiser)
Sara : Yeah, I’ve got crazy stories about me and my bitches rollin’ through the city, hitting up clubs and dancing like it wuddin’ nothing. (sigh) But that was then. (more jump cuts fill the awkward silence)

Cosmo-Whore’s Whor-o-Scopes

Aries (3/21-4/20)

Single?   Cautious Saturn says that your landlord is likely to finally call the police on you, so now might be a good time to steal all the copper wire and flee the county. 

Hooking? _  _Remember to keep your composure when a phone call from your biological father reminds you of the time he made you have sex with his boss.




Taurus (4/21-5/21)

Single?   The stars remind you to keep on your toes this month.  When your friends and family track you down to stage an intervention, make sure you’re in an uninterruptible heroin coma. 

Hooking?   Venus in your house all week means that Big Jimmy must have kicked her out again.

Gemini (5/22-6/23)

Single?   This is a good month to turn over a new leaf.  Throw away that old pipe and fashion yourself a new one out of an old light bulb. 

Hooking?   A series of police sting operations will provide you with an excellent opportunity to ask for a promotion.



**C**** ancer (6/24-7/22) **

Single?   You’ve been working too hard lately.  The free clinic can you help you unwind after a week of stressful needle drugs. 

Hooking?  Rowdy Jupiter in the third house suggests you might want to watch out for eye infections this month.



Leo (7/23-8/22)

Single?   Don’t rush things with that boy you’ve had your eye on.  Wait a couple weeks before introducing him to your child with fetal alcohol syndrome. 

Hooking**** ?  This week will test your courage when a john wants to shit in your mouth.  Trust your instincts.



Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Single?   You will be conflicted as to the level of relief you will feel when you learn that the burning sensation you thought was gonorrhea is actually an old cigarette burn. 

Hooking?   Chaos in your astral alignment would normally suggest that you should consider a career change, but it should be clear by now that you can’t and that you’re trapped in this life forever, ha ha ha.



Libra (9/23-10/23)

Single**** ?  Tread lightly with your relationships this week.  Tensions will flare when you realize that a friend has been stealing your penicillin. 

Hooking?   Take a break from all the hustle and bustle!  Organize a girl’s night in watching Pretty Woman and sobbing.



Scorpio (10/24-11/21)

Single?   This week, remember:  emotional scars don’t heal, but neither do burns you get from nodding off while freebasing. 

Hooking? _  _The stars offer this hot tip: occasionally look him in the eye while going down on him; he’ll be guilted into tipping you more.



**Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

Single?  Be prepared for a surprise this week when a lover from the past comes back to haunt you in the form of hepatitis. 

Hooking?   Mars colliding with Saturn this month will be a lot less painful than the butt of Devón’s pistol after he catches you stealing his blow.



Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

Single?   Be sure to tell your family about your imminent TV stardom, but make sure to warn them that the first half hour of _Maury _can be pretty slow. 

Hooking?   The stars say this month might be a good time to induce a miscarriage.  On a budget?  Falling down a flight of stairs offers a cheap alternative to conventional Western medicine, such as running your car into a tree or being punched in a bar fight.



Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

Single?   The perfect man is just around the corner.  Specifically, he’s in the alleyway behind the methadone clinic vomiting black. 

Hooking?   You’ll soon reconsider your friend’s kind gesture when you realize the blind date she’s set you up with is her virgin brother with autism.



Pisces (2/19-3/20)

Single?   This is a week for serendipity.  Ask one of your friends that has a GED what serendipity is. 

Hooking?   Treat yourself this weekend by stocking up on makeup for the spring season bruises.

80s Retro Fans Funnel Arms to Al-Qaeda

Like many young people these days, John Farndale, 16, loves the culture of the 1980s. But he and his friends have found a new way to express their nostalgia: selling weapons to violent, fundamentalist Islamic militias. “The ‘80s were just so cool, you know?”, said Farndale. “The clothes, the music, the ascendance of the far right in politics. We just wanted a new way to show it besides watching A-Team reruns while dramatically increasing our military budget.”

Farndale’s idea has spread to many other ‘80s enthusiasts. Last year, a group of teenagers in Buffalo pooled their allowances to purchase and smuggle 200 surface-to-air missile launchers for a plucky group of insurgents fighting in Pakistan. The weapons were carefully packaged with hand-crafted crimped wigs and Wham!

The craze has attracted the attention of others, as well. VH1 plans to document Farndale’s hobby in a new special entitled “I Love the Mujahadeen”, documenting his plan to send his rebellious pen pals their very own nuclear weapon. Released clips include a montage of Farndale painstakingly assembling the bomb’s casing, while “Take On Me” plays in the background. “This is going to be the best ‘80s week at school ever,” he said. “Don’t you forget about me, Osama!”

In-N-Out’s Secret Secret Menu

Many know about In’n’Out’s “Secret Menu,” which includes popular but not officially announced delicacies such as Protein Burgers and Animal Style fries. But only a select few members of a highly selective selection committee know about In’N’Out’s Secret Secret Menu. These burgers are so secret, even the FDA won’t approve them.

Name: Sushi Burger

Description: This uncooked delicacy owes its rich taste to the retention of the animal’s juices. This is how they eat a burger in Japan, where it is tradition to die after eating burgers.

Ingredients: Chuck ground plus bun minus warmth

Calories: 425 (burger), 30 (E. Coli)

Goes Well With: Clawing at your own stomach, groaning


Name: Real Protein Burger

Description: The meal of choice for aspiring triple bypass patients. This burger caters to the carb-conscious by eliminating starchy buns and healthily replacing them with silly Atikins diet bullshit. Those looking for a little more adventure can get the Real Protein Cheeseburger, which replaces the slice of cheese with another patty.

Ingredients: Three burgers, genius.

Calories: 8003

Goes Well With: Health insurance.


Name: Animal Style Milkshake

Description: A scrumptious six-pound concoction of milk, chocolate ice cream, and Thousand Island dressing. This was adopted by In-N-Out after it tested well with focus group members, who participated in a carefully designed double-blind test and were baked.

Ingredients: Ice cream, milk, grilled onions, Thousand Island dressing, crumbled-up Funyuns purchased at a nearby convenience store

Calories: Imagine, like, the biggest number in the world

Goes Well With: Staring into space and giggling


Name: Fat Shakespeare

Description: Designed for the well-read fast food connoisseur, this salubrious sandwich is inspired by the Shakespearean sonnet. No one gets this burger except English majors.

Ingredients: Four patties, four onions, four tomatoes, a couplet of cheese.

Calories: A fort-calorie.

Goes Well With: The smaller, more accessible Cliff’s Notes Burger.


Name: The Oeuvre

Description: “Waste not, want not, “ is the guiding principle behind this burger, which contains things that most homeless people would waste. Compiled from ingredients of every menu item In and Out has to offer, the Oeuvre is over 30 cubic feet of fixin’s served in a trash bag, with complementary trowel.

Ingredients: All.

Calories: One hundred kabillion.

Goes Well With: Mayonnaise.


Name: Fries “Mineral” Style

Description: The fossilized remains of uneaten Upper Pleistocene fries, getting your fries done “Mineral” style requires 2.8 million years advanced notice and favorable sedimentary conditions.

Ingredients: Fries, the cold stroke of time unyielding.

Calories: 9 Kj when used as fuel for trains.

Goes Well With: 10,000 BC Merlot.

Jesus Not Ready For Committed Relationship with Area Woman

Local woman Ellen Perry found her religious life shattered last Saturday after it was revealed to her by Jesus Christ that the personal relationship she had developed with Him was shared with almost 1.5 billion other people. Initially, Ms. Perry took the news hard, ranting to our reporters “I just can’t believe it, after all the shit I’ve put up with, like Him not being able to go to nice restaurants that require shoes because of holes in His feet or Him sitting around the house all day in His robe saying He’d already sacrificed Himself for my sins, He cheats on me with a quarter of the planet!”

According to eyewitnesses, Jesus finally mentioned His other relationships on a dinner date after Ellen mentioned how nice it would be to live together. Upon hearing the news, Ellen grew furious threw a glass of water, which promptly turned into wine at Jesus’ face, and stormed out, spending the rest of the weekend in bed “putting back together the broken pieces of her faith in a higher power.”

Perry has stated a willingness to move on and is reportedly going on a blind date with Buddha, a deity described by her friends as a nice laid back sort of guy whose only golden rule is “no fat chicks.”

Jesus could not be reached for comment.

Guide to Theme Bars

Past Imperfect

Desired clientele: English teachers

Undesired clientele: The passive voice

Décor: Flowery, yet subtly evocative of customers’ inner thoughts

On the TV behind the counter: _Masterpiece Theater


Signature cocktail: The Dylan Tonic


Stalag 17

Desired clientele: WWII vets

Undesired clientele: The Krauts!

Décor: Mostly Betty Grable pinups

On the TV behind the counter: Tom Hanks reading a Bible out loud.

Signature cocktail: Sgt. Schnapps


The Alcoholodeck

Desired clientele: Trekkies

Undesired clientele: Evil alternate-universe selves

Décor: Futuristic, but with no apparent restrooms

On the TV behind the counter: Gee, what do you think?

Signature cocktail: Synthohol


The Lair

Desired clientele: Supervillains

Undesired clientele: Infernal do-gooders, frat boys

Décor: Volcano/Arctic/Desert/Jungle theme

On the TV behind the counter: Lifetime

Signature cocktail: They just call it “the serum”


The Opiate of the Masses

Desired clientele: Marxists

Undesired clientele: People with jobs

Décor: Functional

On the TV behind the counter: CNBC ironically

Signature cocktail: Molotov



Desired clientele: Drunks

Undesired clientele: AA sponsors

Décor: Blurry

On the TV behind the counter: somethinurrrghleemelone

Signature cocktail: Rubbing alcohol and tears

Congratulations! You’ve just had sex with me.

Annnnnnd there.

Wow. I…was…amazing. Did you see me? I was like the champagne of sex-having. I got all up in there. I built a house in there. I joined the PTA in there. That is my home. Your snatch is my home.

So, was it as good for me as it obviously was for you? I must have foreplayed on you for 10, maybe 12 minutes. I can see you’re still rolling your eyes in pleasure. You better watch out, there’s not a whole lot of room for you to orgasm around on this inflatable mattress. If you could maybe scoot over a little bit. You know what, why don’t you sit in that chair for a while? I kind of like to lounge around after the all the jang-a-langing. I’ll appreciate you from afar, like a work of art or a vase covered in my sweat and chest hair.

Getting dressed again so soon? And on the verge of tears? This must be one of your cute little ways of getting me to undress you again. I’ll get right on that. In a minute. So, you must be pretty experienced. Yeah, I can tell, ‘cause I’m really experienced. I’ve thrown a bone in literally three girls before, and with one of them I sort of did it twice. More like once and a half. But I’ve also done tremendous amounts of research through quasi-legal means. When it comes to poking, I consider myself a bit of a sensei, or perhaps a zaibatsu.

Why don’t you stick around for breakfast? We’ve got some onion dip and mustard in the fridge, and I think that pita bread is still okay. I think breakfast is, like, the sexiest meal of the day. Hey, you know what we could do to make it even sexier, is I could eat it off of you. Oh man, this’ll be great; quick, slather yourself with the dip. Nothing gets a woman hotter than being treated like a plate. No? All right, fine. But you’re missing out.

Well, you’ve probably got a lot of stuff to do. You have a job, right? Yeah, that must be something. I’m pretty busy myself; I’ve got appointments, I was going to throw a resume together, and there’s that Naruto fandub I’ve been putting off. If you were looking for your shoes, they’re over by the Wii. Hey! Be careful, don’t knock it over! I don’t remember you being that clumsy with my junk.

Look, I’m beginning to think this was a mistake, you’re clearly not the girl you said you were on Craigslist. You should probably just continue leaving. By the way, if you could try to keep those awkward Hulk-feet on the running and not my mom’s carpet, that would be aces.

And, hey. Call me?

Kenya Elects “Power Thirst” New President

KENYA—After months of political unrest and violence due to the contested re-election of incumbent President Mwai Kibaki in the 2008 race against Raila Odinga, the people of Kenya have elected popular College Humor video “Power Thirst” as their president. Though Power Thirst has absolutely no experience in any kind of government office, it does have “more energy than your body has room for.”

Some political analysts have cited Power Thirst’s inspirational message of gaining strength from delicious flavors like Rawberry, Manana, and Fizzbitch as the reason for its unexpected win. Others attribute the victory to the fact that Power Thirst consumers sired half of the Kenyan population; these running babies then utilized their gratuitous amounts of energy to sprint to voting booths and bearblast their fathers’ energy drink of choice into power.

Contenders Odinga and Kibaki cited Power Thirst’s history of hosting sweaty rave parties and being crystal meth as reasons to impeach it, but were soon punched in the face by Power Thirst’s vice president, a jet fighter made of biceps.

When asked for comment, Power Thirst thrusted.

Volume 17, Issue 4: Bag Of Holding . . . Your Groceries

Words from the Top

Some of our more astute readers may have noticed that there was no January issue, while some of our more illiterate readers may have been frightened by the use of “astute” and are now crying and looking for an adult. We’d like to use this space to explain ourselves, and perhaps offer an olive branch to everyone who is smart enough to go to Berkeley but reads Squelch anyway.

Like most respectable organizations, the Squelch has its share of time-honored traditions. One of our more hallowed ones is going to Mexico because we fucking felt like it this time. We felt we should experience the shit out of another culture the only way we know how: eating peyote and sitting around talking about where to get additional peyote. Some of us sat paralyzed for hours, minds filled with strange images and nightmare creatures. We transcended space and time and entered some other dimension that seemed to be based mainly on LCD Soundsystem songs and being scared of dogs. Aztec gods descended from the vaulting heavens, telling us to practice human sacrifice. At least we had the sense not to listen to—no wait aarrrrrghghghg

Needless to say, with all the time we spent soaking up the scenery and getting put in Mexican jail, we didn’t have a lot of time to do things like write a magazine or get out of Mexican jail. Please write to Amnesty International and help those world citizens who need it most: white druggie college kids.