Author Archives: The Squelch

Man Discovers True Love

Last Tuesday, Pleasanton, California resident Matthew Smith, though a self-professed normal and even mediocre guy, discovered true love, which sci-entists had previously claimed was impossible. “It was easy,” he claimed. “It was right next to the Loch Ness Monster and … Read More

Counting Problem

U.S. health officials announced that by the time most Americans have been peeing for a long time, they feel it’s too late to start counting the seconds, thus artificially lowering the standards for the Guinness Book of World Records’ “longest … Read More

SUBJECT: Upcoming Budget Cuts

FROM: Chancellor Berdahl ( TO: Cal Students ( CC: Spring Admits ( Governor Davis ( REPLY TO: Kevin Deenihan (

As many of you are no doubt aware, the State’s budget situation is particularly grim this year. Our state’s penchant … Read More

Botanist’s Dream

Ophrys bilunulata, the cunning seductive temptress of Central Europe, discloses her arching figure, velvety hair, and fragrant scent; twisting the palpating heart of the male Andrena flavipesi to such a wicked degree that the loins of A. flavipesi swelter … Read More