Author Archives: The Squelch

Counting Problem

U.S. health officials announced that by the time most Americans have been peeing for a long time, they feel it’s too late to start counting the seconds, thus artificially lowering the standards for the Guinness Book of World Records’ “longest … Read More

SUBJECT: Upcoming Budget Cuts

FROM: Chancellor Berdahl ( TO: Cal Students ( CC: Spring Admits ( Governor Davis ( REPLY TO: Kevin Deenihan (

As many of you are no doubt aware, the State’s budget situation is particularly grim this year. Our state’s penchant … Read More

Top Ten Things Cut in the Federal Budget

  1. Players who were just dragging the team down
  2. The life expectancies of those not rich, white
  3. Elaborate Carmen Miranda costume for White House dog
  4. Federal Youth Rec Center, thereby necessitating an inspiring New-Wave-music-accompanied fundraising scheme
  5. Collision insurance
  6. Gold coin swimmin’
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