Author Archives: The Squelch

Escape Plans

Sometimes, I think of ways to escape my horrible dead-end life. First, I’d fashion a shiv from a piece of a shattered dream. Then, I’d use it to stab an inner demon and make a break for it. I’d have … Read More

Revenge is Sweet

Kill ’em with Kindness

My mother always told me, “If someone crosses you, don’t for a second let that fucker think he can get away with it.”

Snide Remarks from Passers-by

Him: “Oh, I didn’t realize today was Dress Like a Blind Hooker in … Read More

Top Ten Ways to Solve UC Labor Dispute

  1. Foreigners!
  2. Black market GSI’s
  3. Just look things up in a goddamn
  4. One lecture for all classes
  5. Webcasts, webcasts, webcasts
  6. Move over to more self-teaching
  7. Russian roulette
  8. Sticks and stones
  9. Monkeys with fl ashcards
  10. Lecturers withdraw to West Bank
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