Author Archives: The Squelch

After-drinking Games

Many people give up and call it a night when the party ends, but what if your pussy doesn’t hurt? What if you need at least another strong belt of scotch to calm the DTs? Well, the fun doesn’t end … Read More

Make Your Own Action Movie

The Briefing

Government Official: (gravely) I assume you all know why you’ve been called in here today. We’ve got three hours/seven days to diffuse this atomic/biological warhead planted by the notorious global corporation/ syndicate globotron/corp. I know you’re all just … Read More

Top Ten Gay Viking Leisure Activities

  1. Thor
  2. Marrying, contrary to Thor’s wishes
  3. Having oral sex with a guy
  4. Dressing up as Viqueens
  5. Designing new window treatments for Valhalla
  6. Swilling mug of Appletini
  7. Spelling names “Erik” and “Leif”
  8. Pillaging little decorative animal sculptures
  9. Raping women for sport,
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