Tag Archives: top ten

Top Ten Improved Names for the Tailbone

  1. Crystal SpriteGA$A3
  2. “Oh yeah, she’s definitely fucking bulemic.”
  3. Tailbone Jackson
  4. Fortitude
  5. <nobr>Buttfuck<wbr>logistics<wbr>probleminator</nobr>
  6. Neglecto
  7. We Used to Have Fucking Tails It’s Not Butter!
  8. Sony #TZX456
  9. <nobr>Onlyrealize<wbr>itexists<wbr>afterfirstday<wbr>snowboarding<wbr>bone</nobr>
  10. Dollywhomppper2K2
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Top Ten Things Seldom Written in Braille

  1. “Congratulations on your purchase of a Smith & Wesson”
  2. “Choose Bob’s Driving School!”
  3. “The Squelch is a sensitive magazine”
  4. “Welcome to Metropolitan Museum of Art…Sorry!”
  5. “Your Guide to Sign Language”
  6. “Do Not Touch”
  7. “Your Guide to Reading Braille”
  8. “To properly
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