Tag Archives: top ten

Top Ten Worst Suicide Attempts

  1. Moving OUT of New Orleans
  2. Sticking head in easy bake oven
  3. Throwing self in front of inactive volcano
  4. Hanging self with bungee cord
  5. Killing someone else
  6. Slitting wrists w/ electric razor
  7. Jumping off large building onto less large building
  8. OD
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Top Ten Ways to Win an Argument

  1. Never admit you’re wrong, and be immortal
  2. Use obscure phrases to hoist them by their own petard
  3. Successfully throw three bean bags through clown’s mouth at Rhetorical Carnival
  4. Make jazz hands until your opponent
    is dazzled
  5. Liberal use of American
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Top Ten Rides at the Bemusement Park

  1. Clark Kent: The Ride
  2. House of Opaquely Dirty Mirrors
  3. Indiana Jones Archaeological Dig Adventure
  4. Thomas Moore’s Autopia
  5. Tunnel of Hesitant Mutual Attraction
  6. Mr. Toad’s Wild Bench
  7. The Ed Harriswheel
  8. The Doesn’t Matterhorn
  9. Bummer Cars
  10. Emotional Rollercoaster
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