Author Archives: The Squelch

Top Ten Converted Rock Bands

  1. Peter, Paul, and Mary (the Ones from the Bible)
  2. The Chemical-free Brothers
  3. Guns N’ Moses
  4. Nirvana…Does Not Exist
  5. Green Day That the Lord Hath Made
  6. Three Wise Men at Work
  7. Not-so-bad Religion
  8. John 3:11
  9. Burning Bush
  10. Ozzy Osbourne Again
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Top Ten Classes No Longer Taught at Cal

  1. African American Studies 11/Latin American Studies 9 (cross-listed): Why You’re Too Lazy to Steal
  2. Comparative Literature 2: Chaucer’s Revenge
  3. Physics 142C: The Physics of Cum Trajectory
  4. Landscape Architecture 39H: You Don’t Have to Take My Word for It, You KNOW
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Top Ten Scientist Pickup Lines

  1. “Damn Yolanda, you must be a quantum singularity, because I’m drawn to your black hole.”
  2. “You’re like a carbon molecule, ’cause every part of me wants to bond with you.”
  3. “I’m like Schroedinger’s cat, because every time you look at
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Tragedy Befalls Guinness

The Guinness Brewing Company, world renowned for championing Irish stereotypes and for its quasi-popular Guinness Book of World Records, witnessed record-breaking bloodshed at its annual World Record Holders Convention in Burbank, California, last weekend.

According to preliminary reports, the incident … Read More

Pen Pals

221B Factory Way
Shoe Factory District 4
Shoe Distribution Province 8
Malaysia 91423

Dear 13-year-old Malaysian girl who made my sneakers,

I’ve never considered myself a romantic, but I’ve always believed that true love can find us anywhere. You … Read More