Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Local Man Wins Lottery, Nothing Goes Wrong

Last month, Berkeley resident Mark Halloway won the California Mega-Millions lottery jackpot of 47 million dollars. Sources have confirmed that, contrary to the popular aphorism, he is now happier than ever before.

“Everybody always says that money can’t buy you happiness,” said Mr. Halloway from his newly purchased pleasure-yacht, “but it turns out that the only people who say that are poor. See, the key is to buy lots of nice things that will fulfill you spiritually.”

Halloway claimed that he expected his euphoria to wear off at some point, yet his life only gets better and better with each passing day.

“Strangers keep laughing at my jokes and telling me what a great guy I am. It’s like getting all this money has made me a better person. People like me for who I am, now that I’m rich,” Halloway added.

After our interview, Mr. Halloway began work creating a non-profit organization to help raise awareness about the benefits of winning the lottery.

New “Mouth-Handjob” Theorized

A press release from the Vatican announced Monday that cardinals researching in the field of theoretical deviance have hypothesized the existence of a “mouth-handjob,” a sexual act unlike any currently recognized by Vatican law.

“Imagine if you will a type of handjob performed, not with the hand, but with some other part of the human anatomy: to wit, the mouth,” stated Cardinal Ludwig of the Vatican’s Center for Sexual Studies. “As outlandish as it may seem to Catholic sensibilities, our rigorous contemplation of sexual activity has led us to believe such a thing may not only be possible, but currently practiced.”

If these findings are vetted by further experimentation, it will be the most revolutionary discovery by Vatican sex scholars since “hand-intercourse” was first theorized by Bishop Von Stropf in his seminal 1886 paper “Das Handkoitus: Eine Unglaublische Sexphenomenon.” Until more conclusive research has been conducted, the Church has warned its followers against trying to incorporate the act into normal sexual practice.

“We’re in uncharted territory now,” said Archbishop Anthony when asked for comment. “We are not yet sure if such an act is a sin and if so, how heinous it is. Until we are more certain, err on the side of mouth-handjob abstinence.”

Preliminary studies have suggested that an orthodox way to engage in mouth-handjobs might exist. Cardinal Ludwig postulates that the act may be performed piously by immediately spitting the semen directly into the vagina. However, this hypothesis has yet to be peer-reviewed.

William Henry Harrison: American Gentleman

Narrator: Most Americans are only familiar with the presidency of William Henry Harrison because of its morbid trivia, namely that it was cut short by death after a mere 32 days in office. What is all too often left unsaid is the dire importance of these 32 days in American history. Despite his brief presidency, William Henry Harrison’s headstrong nature blazed a new trail for future American presidents to follow. All the events and reenactments featured on this episode of Commander-in-Brief: A Presidency in Two Minutes are precisely how events transpired.

Inaugurated on March 4th, 1841 William Henry Harrison returned to the White House for a celebratory ball lasting late into the night. As the reception drew to a close, President Harrison’s valet inquired whether the president would be “retiring for the evening”. President Harrison responded in his usual dignified manner that he wouldn’t rest until he met the duties of his office.

William Henry Harrison: Blah, Blah, Blah. You can’t tell me what to do, IAAc??m the president. I’m going to stay up allllllllllllll night.

Narrator: President Harrison, visibly inebriated, then approached the departing French Ambassador and proceeded to accuse him of having “a micro-penis.” The French Ambassador, deeply offended by President Harrison’s less than courteous interjection, denied the statement. President Harrison then punched the ambassador in the testicles.

Waking up the next morning in a puddle of his own urine in what would later be known as the Lincoln Bedroom, President Harrison began to devise a plan to get himself out of this brewing diplomatic quagmire. On March 15th, 1841 he dictated a letter initiating correspondence between the United States and British governments.

William Henry Harrison: It has come to my attention that you were once in control of the United States. If you are willing to protect me I am very willing to sell it back to you for only the cost of beer money.

Narrator: Fortunately for the United States, the French Ambassador’s official letter of displeasure and President Harrison’s letter to England never reached their destinations thanks to President Harrison’s fateful decision days earlier that all ships could legally import or export only kegs. And so, we must credit President Harrison’s zest for life with saving these United States.

On the 26th of March 1841, after someone suggested the President would be better off not standing in the rain for 24 hours, the PresidentAAc??s contrarian nature led him to remain steadfast. Sadly, he was soon diagnosed with pneumonia, a death sentence for a man of his age. Displaying his endearing tendency to never let negative circumstances dishearten him, President Harrison would only announce:

William Henry Harrison: Pneumonia’s for pussies.

Narrator: The final days of President Harrison were consumed by his undying passion for life. Discarding the duties of his elected office, President Harrison would routinely inform people of his desire to have sex with them and would occasionally interrupt polite casual conversations with the now immortalized:

William Henry Harrison: I’m President…Bitch.

Narrator: On the evening of April 4th, 1841 President William Henry Harrison, dying but ever-unapologetic, used his last breath to birth a phrase that has since worked its way into the vernacular of all Americans too great for their time.

William Henry Harrison: [in a barely audible wheeze] Sorry for partying.


Words From The Top

A Rags to Deputy Creative Editor Story

Hello reader,

As the new deputy creative editors, we thought we’d give a few words of friendly advice to those who dream of holding the glamorous position that we hold today. Now look, we’re not “better” or “smarter” than any of you, but if we happen to be better looking and more fun to talk to, then so be it. But we weren’t always such big shots in the college comedy magazine circuit. We used to be unassuming, hopeful young writers just waiting for our big break. Now, after some good old fashioned spunk and stick-to-it-ive-ness, here we are, deputy creative editors of one of the most well-bound comedy magazines on campus. But don’t worry, we’re not in it for the perks. Don’t get us wrong, the foot-massages and foot-happy-endings are nice, but it’s always been about taking the time to mock the things we hate.

Anyway, what we’ve been meaning to say is that anybody can be deputy creative editors. All you need is some gumption, elbow grease and rich parents. Rich, rich parents. Didn’t we mention that earlier? We remember our first Squelch meeting, when we came in with nothing more than a few good ideas, a can-do attitude, and custom-tailored Italian suits. The editors looked us right in the eyes and said, “Boys, someday you are going to give us a lot of money.” And like so many prophecies of old it too came to fruition. Tireless hours of work and six cashier’s checks later, we were on our way straight to the top.

We hope this has been helpful to all you starry-eyed young readers with sizable trust funds. If you think you can change this magazine for the better, or want to help pay for the Squelch’s jet skis, then you’re well on your way to following in our solid gold footsteps.

-Woodrow Currie & Graham Riley

Deputy Creative Editors

Charlie Sheen was Right about Everything

In what can only be described as a surprising turn of events, actor and former drug addict Charlie Sheen was right about everything he has declared in the past several weeks.

In response to what had previously been considered exaggerated claims, President Obama has now appointed an emergency panel of biologists, engineers, chemists, and ethicists to asses the full implications of the newly discovered superbeing.

Defying what the entire medical community thought possible, Mr. Sheen’s veins contain almost eighty percent tiger blood. Even more shocking is that after a lengthy inspection done by NORAD, it was found that the intrepid actor is also an F-18 class fighter jet.

Many analysts are still trying to comprehend how this rocket-powered-saber wielding, bi-winning fighter jet with fire fists managed to star in one of the most popular sitcoms in recent memory without his incredible talent ever being noticed.

In a worrisome development, Sheen declared in a recent TMZ interview, “I AM DESTRUCTOR, LORD OF THE UNIVERSE! I SHALL DEVOUR ALL THAT STAND IN MY WAY,” surely forecasting the inevitable dominion of the great and powerful Lord Sheen.

New Poll Reveals Californians Consider Themselves Next Step in Human Evolution

A recent poll by the California Department of Mental Health show many Californians believe that they represent the future of man-kind. In fact, more than 30 percent of those polled were surprised by their lack of superhuman powers such as flight and telekinesis.

“The reason we’re better than everybody else,” said Neil Everett, assistant manager of Chipotle Mexican Grill and native Californian, “is because, like, we’re more forward thinking than most states. We believe in equal rights and legalizing pot. We’re like the X-men, loved and hated by the rest of humanity.”

Local experts agree that a combination of ethnic mixing, natural environment, and low levels of gamma radiation may be contributing to improvements within the California genome.

“I’m just excited to see what ability surfaces first,” said California Governor Jerry Brown, as he repeatedly flung his arms around in an attempt to levitate.

A similar California Department of Mental Health Poll questioned over 2,000 Americans living outside of California. Over 85% of those polled held the opinion that Californians can go fuck themselves.

Lonely Scientists Make Advance in Artificial Intelligence

Excitement overtook Soda Hall this weekend when the Team for Practical Artificial Intelligence Systems announced that they were ready for the beta-testing stages of their new Robotic Female College-Student Emulator, or R.F.C.S.E. The team has been working diligently for over a year, and claim that their new model will revolutionize the social experiences of countless Engineering students by allowing them to speak to a girl for the first time.

The system is a fully functional robot built to appear exactly like a female freshman undergraduate from Southern California, except that it is specifically designed to target Engineering Students for social interaction. Programmed with a state of the art learning algorithm, the built-in computer is designed to recognize and respond to behavioral features the team has identified as being characteristic of undergraduates in the Engineering and Computer Science departments. The team demonstrated some of these amazing features in 301 Soda when the robot successfully identified a sweaty, terrified male as the object of its affection.

In addition to these basic behavioral diagnostics, the Robotic Female College-Student Emulator has several features never before seen in an automaton of this type. R.F.C.S.E’s Conversation Cessation Detectors (CCDs) allow the system to completely take over the conversation if necessary, utilizing a storage-bank of commonly used phrases. Programmed statements include: “Ugh, I have to read like 30 pages!” “This party’s really lame, we should go somewhere else.” “Do you think they have any more Jungle Juice?” “Is Late-night still open?” and “I’m a Psychology Major!”

J.C. Scheem, one of the R.F.C.S.E.’s chief designers, took questions after the demonstration. When asked whether he thought engineering students would be able to tell the robots weren’t actually human females, Scheem responded: “No, I don’t even think it’s a possibility.”

Volume 20, Issue 3: Baby Fight