Author Archives: The Squelch

Words from the Top

It’s All Downhill From Here

No matter how much effusive praise gets heaped upon the staff of the Squelch, there remains an contingent of pessimistic naysayers whose critique of our latest issue inevitably consists of a disparaging shrug and the phrase “It’s not as funny … Read More

Top Ten Tang Center Pamphlets

  1. Love Shouldn’t Suck
  2. Making Sex Dangerouser
  3. Motherfuck Your Regular Insurance: $79.99 for a month of Claritin
  4. Jesus Christ, Not Chlamydia Again
  5. What to Do With Pamphlets When You Come in With a Broken Arm
  6. So You Lost Another Fucking Gold
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Top Ten Pirate Pickup Lines

  1. “Is there an ‘X’ on the seat of your pants? Because there’s wond’rous booty buried underneath!”
  2. “Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre you free on Saturday?”
  3. “Yo, ho! Bottle of rum?”
  4. “Do you have the latest copy of Windows XP with cracked product activation?” (software
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Top Five Orientation Sessions

  1. When Helping Hurts: Learning to Love Your Cactus Plants
  2. Sexual Orientation Orientation
  3. This is a Pain Stick: Getting Along With Orderlies at Your Mental Institution
  4. So You’ve Joined the Space Program Ice Cream Social
  5. The Uterus, Your New Home
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