Latest Issue
Volume 32, Issue 1:
The Heuristic Playboy

Island Etiquette

Dear Kyle,

It has been seven days since I decided to eat you. It has also been seven days since you shot me in the leg and ran away from the plane with our only canteen.

It’s important to me that you understand that I did not reach the decision to eat you lightly. I’m writing you this letter because every time I try to visit you and explain my actions, you shoot me again. Maybe it’s because I’ve been sneaking up behind you carrying a knife and fork, but maybe it’s because we don’t communicate like we used to.

I really do see where you’re coming from with the not wanting to be eaten stuff. Admittedly, I may have jumped the gun a little by biting your arm all those times while the plane was still crashing. Please remember that unlike you, I hadn’t planned ahead and accepted the complimentary peanuts from the stewardess before the crash.

In your absence, I’ve made great strides in repairing the plane, though there have been some setbacks. I thought I had managed to reattach the broken wing, but it turned out that what I was actually doing was ripping off the good wing. The important thing is that I will soon have the knowledge I need to begin rebuilding the plane; I’ve found the co-pilot’s skull. By feasting on its innards tonight in a ritualistic ceremony (which you are, of course, invited to), I will become Lawrence Tanner, Copilot First Class of Island Airways.

Of course, it won’t all be fun and brain-eating. Once I become Lawrence Tanner I will take on not only his knowledge, but also his allergy to gluten and his complicated relationship with his children. No sir, it won’t be fun when I pilot our new coconut-powered plane onto the Tanner front lawn and have to tell his children that I’m their new daddy.

But I’ve run off-topic. In better news, I captured a wild boar that was tangled in a shrub near the wreck, and I set it on fire to make a signal light for our rescuers. So you can see, things are looking up here at the wreck, though I’m still desperately hungry. Tomorrow I plan on searching for more boars to replace this one with when the fire burns out.

I’ve also discovered several grape vineyards, which I’m now using as ink to paint warning signs around the plane wreck so you don’t trip and fall into the many bear traps I’ve constructed out of the plane’s emergency food rations.

Please come back home, Kyle. I’m very hungry, and I think that, together, we can find a solution.


Top Ten Reasons to Escape

  1. Ctrl-Alt-Del not working
  2. Town’s just one long dead-end drive since the factory closed down, so maybe it’s time to pack up your lucky hat and suitcase full of dreams and hit the road like the young guys says they should, and the old men say they should’ve. Also, you killed a cop.
  3. Chemo ward smells like old people
  4. You’re already a medical experiment; might as well go horribly wrong
  5. Most Dangerous Game not actually Beer Pong
  6. Quarantine, shmarantine!
  7. Just blew up Bond villain’s secret Antarctican complex; also, are James Bond
  8. There was a big line for not escaping
  9. You’re a famous black comedian and the hooker has an Adam’s apple
  10. Pirates unsympathetic about rope allergy

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I knew something had to be done the morning1 the button popped off my jeans2. Shocked and appalled, I realized that I could no longer ignore the cold, hard truth reflected3 in the mirror on the wall4. I was fat5.

It was time for me to stop being a “passenger in life”6 and to start thinking of myself as the healthy person I knew I could become. I immediately slipped into my house robe7 and walked8 into the kitchen, determined to change my eating habits once and for all. First stop: the refrigerator. I peered in and took a quick inventory. Milk9, eggs10, butter11, beer12…no wonder I’d packed on the pounds. In a defiant display of strength and willpower, I grabbed13 each and every item and threw14 them all into the garbage can. Now I could start anew.

I remembered recently seeing a local newspaper ad announcing the opening of a new gym15 called Curves created just for women. My curiosity piqued, I decided to drive16 into town and check it out for myself. As I passed17 through the sliding glass doors, I was greeted by the smiling face of the receptionist.

“Welcome to Curves! I’m Shelly18. How can I help you?”

“Hi Shirley19. I’m interested in losing a few pounds,” I answered, glancing down at my protruding belly20.

“Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here, we offer state-of-the-art exercise machines complete with a personalized nutrition plan just for you!”

I hesitated. “I’ve never been very good at dieting21…”

“Don’t worry!” she reassured. “We understand that most women have an insatiable sweet tooth. That’s why we promote SplendaTM22. It’s made from sugar23, so it tastes like sugar24. It even measures cup25 for cup26 like sugar27 so you can use it in baking28!”

I was becoming more and more convinced that this was the place for me. Shelly explained that their simple program takes only 30 minutes a week and offers a support network of other women in pursuit of their fitness goals. I signed up immediately.

It’s now three months later, and I’ve already lost 40 pounds29 and dropped three dress30 sizes. I’m the happiest I’ve been in 2031 years. I’m loving life and the new me. Thank you, Curves.

Jill Gorham32

1 evening 2 cape 3 unseen 4 bolted to the inside lid of my silk-lined coffin 5 so fat that my bellyi hung over the edge of my jeansii 6 Phillip C. McGraw, “Dr. Phil’s Weight Loss Advice to His Family,”, 2004 Harpo Productions, 14 November 2004 <>. 7 turned into a bat 8 flew slowly and awkwardly, hindered by my upper wing fat 9 plasma 10 platelets 11 Fe+2 12 Fat Tire Amber Ale 13 knocked over with my fat bat wing 14 tried in vain to pick them up with my fat bat wings until I got frustrated and used my extrasensory bat powers to will 15 fitness center 16 slowly, awkwardly fly 17 reassumed a human form and lumbered 18 Shirley 19 [sic] 20 neck chub 21 not sucking up blood through a pair of pearly white cuspids 22 HemoglobaTM 23 blood 24 blood 25 pint 26 Ibid. 27 blood 28 protein shakes 29 grams, when in bat form 30 cape 31 4.294967296 +A1 1041 32 Cassie Wu

i neckrolls
ii cape

Make Your Own Action Movie

The Briefing

Government Official: (gravely) I assume you all know why you’ve been called in here today. We’ve got three hours/seven days to diffuse this atomic/biological warhead planted by the notorious global corporation/ syndicate globotron/corp. I know you’re all just a bunch of ex-military/college students/normal citizens with blue-collar occupations, but you’ve got what it takes/you’re the best trained/you’re the only ones left to do the job. I trust you understand what’s at stake here.
Joker: Your cushy government job/our reputation?
(Group chuckles)
GO: Funny. The transport leaves for the moon at oh five hundred.

The Mounting Tension

(Team looks at bomb)
Team Captain: Okay team, whatever you do, do not press this button/cross these wires/move.
Vlad: (banging warhead with wrench/hammer/pipe while drinking from bottle/flask labeled “alcohol”) What? This is how to diffuse bomb in Kyrgyzstan/Tajikistan/Russia.
(Bomb opens revealing a clock)
Captain: Great. All we need to do now is…
(Crazy guy starts pressing button/crossing wires/moving)
Teammate: He’s got space/mind dementia!
(Team tackles crazy guy, but not before equipment is damaged/teammate is killed/hope is temporarily lost)

The Decision

Pilot/Driver/Vehicle Operator: (gravely) Okay, one of us needs to stay behind. (No one volunteers) I didn’t want it to have to come to this. Pick a straw/pick a number between one and seven/rock, paper, scissors, best two out of three.
(One by one, teammembers select/face off until only one remains)
The Chosen Guy: Tell my wife/girlfriend/son I love her/him. Tell her/him I’ll always be watchin’.

The Complication

Government Official: (via intercom) Okay, I’ve got some good news and some bad news…
Expendable Character: I’ve got a baaaaad feeling about this/This doesn’t look so good…
Captain: (gravely) Okay, what’s the good/bad news?
GO: There’s an asteroid headed directly for your position on the moon. You’ll have to use the bomb to deflect it.
Captain: (after a moment of resignation) Okay, what’s the bad/good news?
GO: That was the bad/good news.

The Critical Moment

Expendable Character: (via intercom to guy still on the moon) We’re running outta time/there’s no time/hurry up!
The Chosen Guy: One…more…minute…/just…another…second…
(Clock gets cracked open, revealing two wires/two liquid-filled tubes/another bomb)
TCG: (wiping brow) Hey Captain, what’s your favorite color/wine/movie?
Captain: (intensely) Blue/port/Casablanca.
TCG: (to himself) Ahhh, I never liked you anyway. (Grabs handful of wires/tubes/bombs and pulls them out, activating spring system and hurtling bomb towards asteroid)

The Aftermath

TCG: (Gets out of chopper and is hugged/kissed/hugged by wife/girlfriend/son) C’mon baby, let’s go home/make some heavenly collisions of our own/play some soccer.

Top Ten Slavery-related Rock Bands

  1. Audioslavery
  2. New Kids on the Auction Block
  3. Men at Work for No Pay
  4. 2/5 Less Than Jake
  5. Jefferson Davis Airplane
  6. Men Without Hats…or Freedom
  7. Godspeed You! Former Black Emperor Running North
  8. The Dandy Civilwarhols
  9. Colored Me Badd
  10. The Velvet Underground Railroad

Cosmetic Surgery for Animals

It is apparent that our society is becoming increasingly sexualized. From Lindsay Lohan’s big-ass titties to Donald Rumsfeld’s vagina tightening, male and female sexuality are being pushed to the limits through the wonders of cosmetic surgery. The pressure to look just fabulous extends beyond humans to the oft-overlooked animal kingdom. One man capitalizing on the growing market of “animal augmentation” is Dr. Rodrigo “Pelligro Abejas” Alexander. Through his services, any creature can obtain a sexily symmetrical face, a boner-popping body, or at the very least a panty-dropping positive self-image. But is it worth it? Hoping to highlight the benefits of such surgery, Dr. Alexander explains some of his successes.

Princess, Golden Retriever

When this dog came to me, its tears were not of little doggy joy but of sadness, and grief, and also much more sadness. On TV, seeing much smaller dogs as celebrity arm candy left this pooch feeling doggy jealousy with a large dose of DIC (doggy inferiority complex). I sat down, looked deep into her eyes, and whispered into her eye: “Just because teacup chihuahuas have a different body type than you doesn’t justify
exclusion from shamelessly being lugged from red-carpet affairs to penthouse coke orgies.” After I sucked out more than 30 pounds of fat and unnecessary “blood weight,” this dog looked really super-duper. My work was a smashing success; just last week the cover of National Enquirer showed Paris Hilton unconscious in a puddle of her own vomit as Princess photogenically lapped up the remains.

Moesha, Tiger
Fur Bleaching

Like many Panthera tigris, Moesha felt her dark fur limited her social and professional upward mobility. While the more eye-pleasing white tigers lavishly consumed the finest wines and freshest lobsters at the Mirage in Las Vegas, Moesha was stuck in the hot, humid, and poverty-stricken jungles of the Tropicana. She was sick of having racial slurs like “Tigger” and “Stripe Back” hurled at her on a daily basis. I suavely explained, while massaging her ugly orange back, that white fur would unlock the door to life’s treasures. After six months of painful fur bleaching she emerged whiter than my dead mother’s pubes GAA God rest her pubes. Moesha can now be seen running alongside Lance Burton at the Monte Carlo.

Muffin, Siamese Cat
Breast Augmentation

It was painfully clear why this sleepy Asian cat was in my office that cold January morning GAA it needed bigger tits. Its mini kitty-titties were flatter than my dead mother’s EKG. So I gave it what it desperately needed, some DD tigolbitties. This cat is now getting fucked constantly, and not only by me! But also by my brother (but don’t pass judgment; Alfonzo is a total slut). Regardless, Muffin’s success has made this surgery very popular among our feline friends. Sizes range from small to “Oh my god that cat’s tits are so big she can’t even walk” (very popular).

Ludwig von Strudellwasser, Mule
Testicular Implants

I am very proud of this surgery; it is my proverbial punch to God’s throat. Nature may have been too weak to provide the majestic mule with testicles, but I was able to thrust them in Ludwig’s scrotum with an iron fist. Now when Ludwig plows a field, he does so with a raging pink boner. As he moves, his cantaloupe-sized nuts drag in the mud.