Author Archives: The Squelch

Cool Diseases

The difference between being a cool guy with herpes and a loser with herpes is all in the transmission. This guide will help explain the cool and uncool ways to get a disease.


Uncool way to get it: Sharing … Read More

President Cries in a Corner

President Bush’s feelings were seriously injured this week when his NSA Domestic Surveillance Program intercepted hundreds of libelous emails defaming the president’s character. The majority of the offending letters were found to be circulating through West Wing offices.

“These are … Read More

Top Ten Diseases You Wish You Had

  1. Peter Parkinson’s and Spider-Maningitis
  2. Genital Mono
  3. Whatever you get from sleeping with Jessica Alba
  4. Alzheimer’s if you recently watched your family be mauled by tigers
  5. That type of cancer that makes you crap Beanie Babies
  6. Tickle-Cell Anemia
  7. HIV Negative
  8. The
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