Author Archives: The Squelch

Dialectician CyberSex

EnglishIsExcellent: Good evening miss.

HotSexBabe396: hey there mister

EnglishIsExcellent: What is your age, sex, and location?

HotSexBabe396: 18 f sf

EnglishIsExcellent: Would you like to put that into a complete sentence? It would make it a lot sexier.

HotSexBabe396: not … Read More

Guide to Theme Bars

Past Imperfect

Desired clientele: English teachers

Undesired clientele: The passive voice

Décor: Flowery, yet subtly evocative of customers’ inner thoughts

On the TV behind the counter: _Masterpiece Theater


Signature cocktail: The Dylan Tonic


Stalag 17

Desired clientele: WWII … Read More

Discount Wisdom

They say Mussolini made the trains run on time, but I’m still not okay with Italians running Amtrak.

Maybe it’s just the beer talking, but a lot of noise is coming from this beer.

Women belong in the kitchen…and the … Read More