Author Archives: The Squelch

Top Ten Lies Parents Tell

  1. All the cool kids shop at T.J. Maxx
  2. There’s plenty of oxygen in the trunk
  3. Officer, he fell down the stairs
  4. This is the only way to take your temperature
  5. We love both of you equally
  6. It’s not your fault
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Top Ten Things Found On The Ocean Floor

  1. Every ship ever captained by a woman
  2. Wallet-sized photos of Russian sweethearts
  3. Gadgets and gizmos aplenty
  4. Pyroxene-olivine basalt
  5. Shore-to-shore carpeting
  6. Whales <STRIKE>fucking</STRIKE> making love
  7. Geodesic domes with sustainable breathing environment
  8. 4 million Razor scooters (10 years from now)
  9. Childern’s letters
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