Tag Archives: top ten

Top Ten Pornographic Summer Movies

  1. America’s Cocksucking Sweethearts, John Cusack and Julia Roberts and Especially Billy Crystal
  2. The Score
  3. Twat Race
  4. Shrek Fucks a Donkey
  5. Muff Hour 2
  6. The Princess Red Shoe Diaries
  7. Ass-End The Furious
  8. Barely Legally Blonde
  9. Anal Fantasy: The Penis Within
  10. Pearl
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Top Ten Formulaic Top Ten Entries

  1. The one about Hoku Jeffrey/Lauren Bausch
  2. The really long, rambling one
  3. The one that references an earlier entry
  4. The one that’s not a joke
  5. The timely reference to campus news
  6. The shamelessly unfunny coding/physics joke
  7. The self-deprecating one
  8. The one
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