Tag Archives: top ten

Top Ten Jewish Oldies

  1. Alef, Bet, Vet (It’s Easy as Ahaat,
    Shtahyeem, Shahlosh)
  2. Sixteen Candles (Divided By Two)
  3. Where the Goys Are
  4. Runaround Jew
  5. Jailhouse Lox
  6. I Left My Heart in Warsaw
  7. You Can’t Always Get What You
    Want (For Hanukkah)
  8. Johnny
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Top Ten Cutest Things Ever

  1. The Second cutest thing, after you
    kill the cutest thing
  2. Kitty riding a Care Bear vomiting
  3. Oscar and Elmo reconciling their
  4. Really, really cuddly lobsters
  5. Your daughter’s first pearl necklace
  6. Bambi, smiling
  7. Panda hugging a
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