Tag Archives: top ten

Top Ten Most Comfortable Ways to Die

  1. Extremely mild leukemia
  2. Spooning a bear
  3. Dehydration from relentless oral sex
  4. Metaphorically
  5. Being shot in a Brookstone massage chair
  6. Eaten by toothless dinosaur
  7. Choking on feathers
  8. A car accident, while reclining and drinking a non-poisonous beer
  9. Drinking a poisonous beer
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Top Ten Classes No Longer Taught at Cal

  1. African American Studies 11/Latin American Studies 9 (cross-listed): Why You’re Too Lazy to Steal
  2. Comparative Literature 2: Chaucer’s Revenge
  3. Physics 142C: The Physics of Cum Trajectory
  4. Landscape Architecture 39H: You Don’t Have to Take My Word for It, You KNOW
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Top Ten Second-rate Magic Tricks

  1. The Magic of Reading
  2. Contracting HIV but maintaining a high T-cell count
  3. Removing grape juice from a carpet with Oxy-Clean
  4. Turning a half-full glass of water into a half-empty glass of water
  5. Levitating a Hovercraft
  6. Reading your own mind
  7. Unzipping
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Top Ten Converted Rock Bands

  1. Peter, Paul, and Mary (the Ones from the Bible)
  2. The Chemical-free Brothers
  3. Guns N’ Moses
  4. Nirvana…Does Not Exist
  5. Green Day That the Lord Hath Made
  6. Three Wise Men at Work
  7. Not-so-bad Religion
  8. John 3:11
  9. Burning Bush
  10. Ozzy Osbourne Again
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Top Ten Lesbian Candies

  1. BeTwix’t Her Legs
  2. 3 Muskydikes
  3. 5th Avenue…Where Two Women Are Currently Eating Each Other’s Vaginas
  4. Snickers from Normal People
  5. Ani DiFranco Acoustic Guitar Symphony Bar
  6. O Henrietta!
  7. Skor (with Women)
  8. Mounds
  9. Klit Kat
  10. Butchy Ruth
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