Author Archives: The Squelch

Top Ten Ways to Conserve Energy

  1. Only dustbust really dangerous dirt
  2. Turn off heater, begin sleeping in oven
  3. Let Grandpa die with dignity
  4. Only wash car when you have a full load
  5. Shave balls with disposable razor
  6. Unplug yourself, if you’re an appliance or robot
  7. Rapidly
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Top Ten New Rides at California Adventure

  1. Mini-Disneyland with mini-California Adventure
  2. It’s a Regulated Market After All
  3. Pirates of Hollywood Avenue
  4. Hall of Incompetent Governors from Reagen to Davis
  5. Sweater Vest Mountain
  6. Bakersfield Klansmen Jamboree
  7. The Disney Store
  8. Japanese Tourist Land
  9. Dotcom Six-story Drop
  10. Juan y Pablo’s
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