Tag Archives: top ten

Top Eleven Reasons to Smoke Pot

  1. Because altered states of consciousness are the only known antidotes for college.

  2. Because, with each purchase, 5% of the profits go to a needy cause.

  3. Because of the kind of people who don’t. Newt Gingrich doesn’t.
  4. Because you live in
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Top Ten Monkeys

  1. Dr. Zaius
  2. The dead one in my toilet
  3. Monkey businessmen
  4. Gieep, the Wonder Twins’ space monkey
  5. Any monkey in a barrel
  6. The monkey on my back
  7. Mickey Dolenz
  8. Flying Wizard of Oz monkey
  9. Pygmy monkey
  10. Howler monkey
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Top Ten Berkeley TV Shows

  1. Who’s the Chancellor?

  2. The Sigma Chi Files

  3. Walker: Night Safety Patrolman
  4. Unsolved Mysteries of Dwinelle
  5. Berdahl in Charge
  6. Men Behaving Badly, But Don’t Judge!
  7. Berkeley Hills, 90704
  8. The Futile Gourmet
  9. METERMAIDS: in Berkeley
  10. Just the Tien of Us
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