Author Archives: The Squelch

Top Ten Totalitarian Restaurants

  1. T.G.I.F. (Thank God It's Fascist)
  2. Worker Unit Food Distribution 


  3. Benito Burger
  4. Che Panisse
  5. Karl’s Jr.
  6. Burger Absolute Monarch
  7. Totalitarian Akbar’s Totalitarian Bar and Grill
  8. Schlotsky’s East Bloc Russian Restaurant
  9. Steve’s North Korean BBQ
  10. Fascist Slice
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Top Ten Kafkaesque Beatles Lyrics

  1. “The cockroach was Paul”
  2. “Desmond says to Molly, girl, I’m afraid of death”
  3. “I’m sooo hungry, I haven’t eaten a bite”
  4. “And in the end, you die”
  5. “Happiness is a warm hole in the ground”
  6. “No one loves you, yeah,
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Top Ten Signs of the Apocalypse

  1. Yoshua fights Jesus; wins in twelve rounds by unanimous decision.

  2. Hebrew text of evil
  3. Communal shower in Soda
  4. Three headed griffon emerges from depths of Dwinelle to wreak God’s holy vengeance on Berkeley
  5. Re-release of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse
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