Author Archives: The Squelch

The Duck Hunt Conundrum

Optical Reflection/Refraction

In an effort to restore peace and stop world hunger, Squelch researchers have rigorously tested the original Nintendo Duck Hunt Gun. We hope our research will give us a better understanding of its mystical powers. To those unfamiliar with the … Read More

Top Ten Things Found On The Ocean Floor

  1. Every ship ever captained by a woman
  2. Wallet-sized photos of Russian sweethearts
  3. Gadgets and gizmos aplenty
  4. Pyroxene-olivine basalt
  5. Shore-to-shore carpeting
  6. Whales <STRIKE>fucking</STRIKE> making love
  7. Geodesic domes with sustainable breathing environment
  8. 4 million Razor scooters (10 years from now)
  9. Childern’s letters
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