Latest Issue
Volume 31 Issue 2:
Squelch! for Girls

Top Ten Signs You Go To UC Berkeley

  1. You’re easily amused by a list about how you go to UC Berkeley
  2. There is a big bell tower in the middle of your campus known as the Campanile
  3. The school newspaper is called the Daily Cal
  4. Your school is the oldest in the University of California system
  5. You know where Sproul Plaza is since it’s a pretty central part of campus
  6. Stanford is your school’s main rival
  7. When people ask where you go to school you tell them you go to UC Berkeley
  8. All of your classes are on the UC Berkeley campus
  9. You choose to go to UC Berkeley
  10. You have a letter saying you were accepted to UC Berkeley

Top Ten Worst Bands

  1. Mumford & Sons
  2. Waka Flocka Firebombing of Dresden
  3. Gym Class Hiroshima
  4. The National Socialist
  5. Michael Bubonic Plague
  6. Child Soulja Boy
  7. Trail of Tears for Fears
  8. Outkastration
  9. Passion Pits
  10. Animal Abuse Collective

Top Ten Fucked-Up Animal Movies

  1. We Bought a Zoo
  2. A Siberian Tiger Film
  3. Saola, or the 120 Days of Sodom
  4. Altered Snakes
  5. Apocalypse Cow
  6. Capybara Holocaust
  7. Persian Blue Velvet
  8. A Clockwork Orangutan
  9. Zero Dog Thirty
  10. Naked Mole Rat Lunch

Top Ten Best Times to Use Comic Sans

  1. When you’re not exotic enough for Papyrus
  2. Toddler obituary
  3. Quirky high school teacher’s Powerpoint presentation
  4. Your iCarly spect script
  5. When Windings just won’t cut it
  6. Funeral announcement for people you hate
  7. Ironic tattoos
  8. When your roommate’s paper is due in 10 mins
  9. Middle schooler’s blog
  10. Memos on casual Fridays

Top Ten Musical Presidents

  1. Bill Clinton
  2. Jimmy Eat World Carter
  3. Millard Fillharmonic
  4. Theo the Doors Roosevelt
  5. Woodrow Whistlin’
  6. Thomas Jefferson Airplane
  7. Andrew Jackson Five
  8. Baroque Obama
  9. Harry Trumandolin
  10. James K Polka

Top Ten Things That Make You Cry

  1. Seeing the first Onion-American baseball player hitting a home run
  2. When your onion goes into a coma and becomes a vegetable
  3. When you remember the Great Onion Genocide
  4. Seeing red and green onions living in harmony
  5. When your pet onion dies
  6. Seeing your onion with another chef
  7. When you tripped on an onion and hurt your head
  8. Dicing onions
  9. Slicing onions
  10. Chopping onions