Author Archives: The Squelch

Top Ten Signs of the Apocalypse

  1. Yoshua fights Jesus; wins in twelve rounds by unanimous decision.

  2. Hebrew text of evil
  3. Communal shower in Soda
  4. Three headed griffon emerges from depths of Dwinelle to wreak God’s holy vengeance on Berkeley
  5. Re-release of Francis Ford Coppola’s Apocalypse
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Top Ten Canadian Things

  1. Poland
  2. The Canadian Dream
  3. “Bye, bye Miss Canadian Pie”
  4. Guess Who’s hit song “Canadian
  5. War
  6. David Bowie’s “Young Canadian”
  7. Canadian Graffiti
  8. 0.33-meter-long hot dogs
  9. Canadian cheese singles
  10. American bacon
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Top Ten Things Said by Romance

  1. “No, seriously, what the fuck is
    romance philology?”
  2. “What the fuck is romance
  3. “The new guy’s double majoring
    in something useful. Kill him.”
  4. “Some of us don’t need to earn
    money after college, Mr. Bourgeois
  5. “Some guys are
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Top Ten Things Overheard At The Morgue

  1. “That’s not rigor mortis!”
  2. “We’ve secretly replaced the embalming fluid with Folger’s Crystals… let’s watch.”
  3. “You’re right – it does taste just like chicken!”
  4. “Where does this piece go?”
  5. “Well, if she hadn’t died, she’d be 18 by now…”
  6. “I
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