For just thirteen cents a week, you can make a difference in a child’s life…
Javier spent his days selling bone marrow on the black market for scraps of food and his nights sleeping in cholera infested alleyways. He was so malnourished that he couldn’t even stand up. Now, thanks to your combined donations of thirteen cents a week for the last seven years, Javier has food, clothing, and is working on his M.D. at Vasser. What makes this story so special is the money management skills he acquired. This ambitious, business- savvy little guy saved each penny you sent him through the years, and got himself an operation that inverted his penis and augmented his breasts. Now, not only can “Javietta” stand up, but she can dance… naked for Malaysian sex tours. Thanks to your continued support, this precious angel has fulfilled her lifelong dream of entering the child porn industry.
Yes! I’d like to sponsor a child. My 13 cents will go directly to my child in the form of food, cocaine, knives, semi-automatic weapons, and other items required in my child’s native environment.
No. I would like my child to feed his narcotics addiction and aid his local militia’s violent killing sprees without my help.