- Sex God, where this King of the Gods has to turn into a swan so this chick will do him
- Sex Bomb, where this guy has to build an IED so these 72 virgins will do him
- Sex Pistols, where this guy has to win a game of Rusian Roulette so this sexy gulag guard will do him
- Sex Slave, where this guy has to sit through Amistad so his girlfriend will do him
- Sex Ed, where this guy named Edward has to shorten his name so this chick who can’t pronounce long names will do him
- Sex Tuplets, where this guy has to rear six children so that his wife will continue to do him
- Sex Machine, where this guy has to build a robot so that it will do him
- Sex Addict, where this guy has to stop doing heroin so this chick at Narcotics Anonymous will do him
- Sex Organ, where this guy has to become a church accompanist so the deacon’s daughter will do him
- Sex Work, where this guy has to work really hard so that chicks will do him