A large group of organized protestors who had blocked access to a major campus building yesterday found themselves all but ignored by friendly UC police officers. The protest continued well into the night, until protestors got kind of bored, decided their point had pretty much been made, and went home to get something to eat.
“We did our best to make them leave,” stated UC police captain Bill Cooper. “We reasoned very logically with them, and tried to be persuasive. We told them how disruptive they were being, but they all seemed to want to stay. What could we do?”
Many protestors, however, decried the UC police’s lack of strongarm force. “How are we supposed to make an impression without front-page Daily Cal photos of grimacing students being subjected to arm-bending and ear-pulling?” demanded Jamina Higgins, a junior who was neither arrested nor given a citation. Added Higgins, “You call yourself ‘The Man’? This is pathetic, guys. At least get out the pepper spray.”
UC police had offered to fetch sodas for the grueling twelve-hour protests, but their gifts were, for the most part, rebuffed.